1. Assad is a standard Middle Eastern strongman fighting an insurgency, an insurgency whose values are on par with Al Qaeda or ISIS. I may not like Assad, but backing Assad's enemies makes the US less secure. That's a fact.
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2. So, why are folks like
@JacobAWohl shilling so hard for bull shit that is not in US interests? I won't speculate why he pushes a globalist agenda, but him & the rest of these neo-cucks need to stop acting like condescending asshats.Show this thread -
3. The fact is that my family & families like mine are always the ones stuck doing the killing, bleeding, & dying when chickenshits like
@JacobAWohl want to go to war & we've wised up to years of their bull shit.Show this thread -
4. Remember how we went to war because the USS Maine was attacked by the Spanish? That was bull shit. http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5470/
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5. Remember how the Luisitania was an innocent passenger ship brutally attacked by the Germans in World War I. That's bull shit. It was carrying munitions.https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/01/lusitania-salvage-warning-munitions-1982 …
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6. Remember the Tonkin Gulf incident? Well, about that. You were lied to about that as well.https://www.history.com/news/the-gulf-of-tonkin-incident-50-years-ago …
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7. How about those WMD's in Iraq? How about being greeted as liberators? How'd that work out for
@JacobAWohl???Show this thread -
8. Better yet, it's so nice to see Qadaffi's replacements working out so well in Libya. Can't wait for Ambassador Stevens's next dispatch from there.
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9. Truth is war in the sandbox of the Middle East is a loser-lose propostion. We don't go & Muslims accuse of not caring. We go & Muslims accuse us of desecrating their land.
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10. If we do go into places like Syria, it won't serve our national interests & we'll be stuck rebuilding yet another Middle Eastern country for no apparent reason. Maybe, it's time for
@JacobAWohl to learn what real American interests are.Show this thread -
11. Real American interests and threats emanate from America's southern border. These chucks sold us on NAFTA as it would build Mexican working class, making a trading partner that would help American middle class. They were full of shit.
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12. Middle Class jobs got exported. Mexico's imports became drugs and it's citizens. Every year, more die from opiods than died in the entire Vietnam War.
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13. Mexico has sent so many of its citizens here that it no COSTS US over $100 billion annually. http://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers …
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14. There's so many Mexicans here that if you want to watch Team USA play soccer in Los Angeles against Team Mexico, it's a fucking road game.http://www.latimes.com/sports/soccer/la-sp-us-mexico-soccer-security-20151009-story.html …
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15. Not only that, but the Mexican government actually is aiding and abetting this criminal activity. They even put out instructions.https://mobile.nytimes.com/2005/01/06/world/americas/a-mexican-manual-for-illegal-migrants-upsets-some-in-us.html …
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16. And, if the manual wasn't bad enough, no other nation has as much consular representation in another nation than Mexico has in the United States. https://embassy-finder.com/mexico_in_usa
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17. No worries though, it's not like Mexican cartels and Jihadists are trying to hookup against a common enemy----US.https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2014/08/21/isis-mexican-drug-cartels-teaming-up-n1881302 …
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18. No worries though.
@JacobAWohl will protect the territorial integrity of Syria, not the United States because muh....Russians or something like that.Show this thread -
19. Only problem is that the Russians aren't a great geopolitical threat; the Chinese are. They're even engaged in stealing data on every USG employee.https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/chinese-hackers-breach-federal-governments-personnel-office/2015/06/04/889c0e52-0af7-11e5-95fd-d580f1c5d44e_story.html …
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20. Oh, and China is actively censoring what appears at a theater near you.http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/la-et-china-red-dawn-20110316-story.html …
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21. Did I forget to mention that our tech oligarchy is now teaming up with Chinese tech? Wonder what AI technology the Chinese will get out of the deal???http://www.ejinsight.com/20180123-why-is-google-seeking-ties-with-chinese-tech-firms/ …
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22. All the while, China has embraced an unprecedented military expansion.https://www.economist.com/node/21552193
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23. And folks like
@JacobAWohl assured us China would become more democratic because muh....free trade and we'd be more prosperous.Show this thread -
24. The only thing you can count on from folks like
@JacobAWohl is for them to look like a monkey fucking a football when they prognosticate.Show this thread -
25. So,
@JacobAWohl, I know my interests, US interests. Its to restore the territorial integrity of US borders and prevent further Chinese encroachment on my liberty.Show this thread -
26. Now,
@JacobAWohl, if you're so gung-ho about going after Assad, stop being a chicken shit. Pick up a rifle, go International Brigade ala Spanish Civil War, but my family's fighting for US interests----not yours. PS....How does it feel to get punked by a cartoon frog???pic.twitter.com/M66hztHBNJShow this thread
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