Restaurant: Lamberts Point Community Center
Address: 1251 42nd, Norfolk, VA 23508
Type: Full Service Restaurant
Phone: 757 423-1088
Total inspections: 4
Last inspection: 12/09/2015
Post Health Permit and CFM Certificate in kitchen area.CFM Certificate expired/not on site/posted with Permit.Have running hot water checked for temperature >110*F at 3 compartment sink area in kitchen.
Critical: Demonstration of Knowledge* Observation: The person in charge failed to obtain a valid certified food managers card. The person in charge failed to employ a certified food service manager.
Correction: Obtain a valid food service managers card.(CFM Certificate expired 11/2015.)
Critical: Date Marking - Ready-to-Eat; Potentially Hazardous Food; Date Marking* Observation: The prepared ready-to-eat (RTE) @FOOD@ in the Kenmore refrigeration unit is not properly dated for disposition.
Correction: Mark the name and ""consume by"" date on the container of RTE foods at the time of preparation if the food is to be held for more than 24 hours. If the food is held at 41°F or below the food shall be served or sold within 7 calendar days. Some harmful bacteria continue to grow even at refrigeration temperatures so limiting the amount of time in storage limits the amount of growth allowed for these bacteria.
Sanitizing Solutions, Testing Devices Observation: There is no test kit located in the facility for monitoring the concentration of the chemical sanitizing solutions.
Correction: Obtain a @SANITIZING AGENT@ test kit so that employees can accurately monitor the concentration of the sanitizing solutions and maintain them at a safe and effective level.
Critical: Equipment - Food Contact Surfaces and Utensils Observation: Kenmore refrigerator in kitchen/Stainless Steel unit::Equipment used for storage of packaged or open food items was observed with visible accumulations of soil and debris.(Bottom shelve area and interior compartments of refrigerator).
Correction: Clean storage equipment at a frequency to preclude accumulation of soil residues to prevent contamination of food in storage and reduce attraction of insects and rodents.
Hand Drying Provision Observation: No disposable towels/soap were provided at the hand washing lavatory in the kitchen.
Correction: Hand drying devices such as individual disposable paper towels, a continuous towel system that supplies the user with a clean towel or heated air hand drying device must be provided at all hand washing lavatories/soap to encourage proper hand washing cleaning and avoid employees to drying their hands on their clothing or other unclean materials
Premises - Maintaining Premises; Unnecessary Items and Litter Observation: Premises has accumulation of litter. (Men's Locker room lockers):Old cloths and food inside of lockers./Debirs.
Correction: Maintain the premise free of litter/Debris.
No violation noted during this evaluation.
Permit expires 8/2014.Submit new application for new Permit Via Norfolk P{ublic Health Dept.FHC's current.Summer Camp in Session 6-25-14 through 8-17-2014.Restrooms clean. No violation noted during this evaluation.
Permit expires 7/2013.New Permit application needs to be submitted.Funtastic summer Camp in session from 6-19-2013 to 8-223-2013.
Hand Drying Provision (repeated violation) Observation: No disposable towels were provided a the hand washing lavatory in the kitchen at handsink.
Correction: Hand drying devices such as individual disposable paper towels, a continuous towel system that supplies the user with a clean towel or heated air hand drying device must be provided at all hand washing lavatories to encourage proper hand washing and avoid employees to drying their hands on their clothing or other unclean materials Corrected on site.
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