Which statement best describes the author’s viewpoint in the passage?

The CIA planning was extraordinary. Questions were asked. Problems were anticipated, solutions suggested. With information provided by an informant in the Soviet state-run telephone operation, the U.S. knew that the spot they needed to reach with the tunnel was under Schonefelder Chaussee, a major highway that ran along the southern edge of Berlin.

a. The US government planned a spy mission in Eastern Germany to obtain information.

b. The US government’s skillful use of research and intelligence enabled a vital spy mission.

c. The United States worked with other Allied countries to create a tunnel under a highway in Berlin.

d. The United States violated international rules of diplomacy when spying on the Russians in Berlin.

by Nonirocci

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In the passage "The CIA planning was extraordinary. Questions were asked. Problems were anticipated, solutions suggested. With information provided by an informant in the Soviet state-run telephone operation, the U.S. knew that the spot they needed to reach with the tunnel was under Schonefelder Chaussee, a major highway that ran along the southern edge of Berlin.", the statement that best describes the author’s viewpoint in the passage is B, the US government’s skillful use of research and intelligence enabled a vital spy mission.

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