What is a central idea that the author develops throughout The Dark Game?

Elizabeth Van Lew ran a safe house for escaped Union soldiers in her Richmond home.

During the Civil War, ordinary individuals who wanted to aid the war effort acted as spies.

Elizabeth Van Lew fed information to the Union Army about the movements of the Confederate Army.

During the Civil War, there was no organized counterintelligence system, so spies were rarely caught.

by Clevelandjamaal

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The central idea that the author develops throughout The Dark Game is that during the Civil War, ordinary individuals who wanted to aid the war effort acted as spies. 
They were often untrained, however, had to lend their help in whatever way possible.

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The central idea that the author develops throughout The Dark Game is that During the Civil War, there was no organized counterintelligence system, so spies were rarely caught.

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