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66089 No.3008  

I need to get this off my chest.

I've been barely functioning the last two weeks. Everytime I have time alone, away from music or games I start having really intense suicidal thoughts. I can't even fucking sit down and study without crying and thinking about offing myself. Twice this week I've gone into my university to do an assignment and both times have ended in me crying in the toilets.

Reason I'm posting here is because I don't think my friends care about me enough to give a shit how I'm feeling.

Have any of you gone through this? Did anything help? Are any of you still going through it?

>> No.3013  

Yes, I know exactly how you feel. I'm really tired at the moment, so I can't write something long. Your post just ran through my head when I was falling asleep.

Talk to your friends, talk to your relatives. They really do care.

>> No.3018  
File: 1490860046750.jpg -(18287 B, 500x281) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thank you anon so much, I did and I feel better. Can actually do shit now. Still pretty down but it's way better than how I was.

>> No.4446  

I have a similar less intense experience to that.

For example, I have 4 hours left to do this school thing. Yet I'm watching stuff like this:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOU2BfcdsaE - "What If 2 Neutron Stars Collided Near Earth? - YouTube"

about interesting space stuff.

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