About myChan.tv

myChan.tv is currently in beta.

myChan.tv is all about creating an interface for watching YouTube that gives maximum flexibility and control over what you see to the viewer, offering the ability to organize subscribed channels into “bundles”, and then allowing you to watch all the newest content for those bundles with one click, offering a true lean-back experience. It effectively turns YouTube into a cable TV box where you get to customize all the channels you watch.

To keep up with latest updates on the myChan.tv site, you can follow us here:

You can also keep up with the latest by following the site creator, Hiko, a long time Japan resident, and YouTube content creator as well as avid YouTube community supporter.

The website is powered by the public APIs of YouTube, and is hosted on Amazon Web Services. myChan is the brainchild of Hiko, and made possible with the help and support of the team at Ginzahub.com that supported the development of the site.

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