Statement from a Vanity Fair spox: "Kurt Eichenwald is not a contributing editor at Vanity Fair."
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Any comment from VF?
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You'd think they demand crazy Kurt remove them from his public profile,
I am the editor formerly known as Kurt. This
@KyleKashuv story has encouraged me to address other things about my life. I have loved and had romantic encounters with squid throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay cephalapod. - 1 more reply
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His bio will soon read "Hey, it's media's Kurt Eichenwald!".
Soon it will just be "that guy from Twitter, you remember me, dontcha?"
And unfortunately...we will.
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Kurt had to clean up his twitter bio last week and removed “MSNBC contributor” but he left “Vanity Fair” up knowing it wasn’t true, either. INTERESTING!
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This is next level crazy I think there’s a joke in there: “A psychologist, a Rabbi, and
@kurteichenwald walk into a bar...” - 1 more reply
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I’m assuming he’ll be fired for this .
from where tho
Right... fired is the wrong word.
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