When comparing dogs to wolves, scientists found evidence that supports the idea they come from a common ancestor. which evidence was most important in understanding this? comparable anatomies, fossils, and behavior different anatomies, similar development, and different dna comparable anatomies, similar development, and similar dna different anatomies, fossils, and behavior

by DesslsarAz1a

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The answer is comparable anatomies, similar development, and similar dna.

A common ancestor is an ancestral organism that two or more descendant lineages have in common. Closer the common ancestor is, more similar are descendant lineages. To compare two species, in this example dogs and wolfs, it is important to notice comparable anatomies, similar development, and similar DNA.

Dogs and wolfs really have similar development and anatomy, and thus it is expected they have similar DNA, and finally, the common ancestor.

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7 votes
comparable anatomies, similar development, and similar DNA