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 No.227134[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's get a real thread going not the bs that's been happening let's dump
144 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Pls dont die. There must be more! Any ‘14?


discord.gg/V7Y8S Private discord Oceanside only join for more info



I am very interested if anyone has more of these.


Oceanside Discord 100% legit must verify to join discord.gg/vmTJbSm rules are in server


If it’s so legit list name and year and let’s see what’s so special

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 No.231147[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Jenna s ns
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can someone post the ava pics already??


the ava pics on her tumblr


Wow not surprised Jenna’s always been trash


Someone gonna post the Vegas vid or nah?


Anybody got Meli A's big ol titties?

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Who has amanda K 14 or 15 I know there are a ton of wins out there
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Annemarie c.? '13





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Anyone from 2010-2011 from SJB in West islip
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Looking for Jess C ‘12. More KP posts if someone’s got her wins here or in the Discord chat








Anymore erin h? How about alex gig?

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Let’s see some Geneseo girls!
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anyone got Karen Z? graduating this year


anyone got dominique s? art major. i think shes prude af but worth a shot





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Any brockport highschool wins out there?
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discord gg/apStH6


discord gg/p4BeF3


discord gg/p4BeF3


discord gg/WMpQRJ


Fuck off with the discord

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We need to see some wins
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Any wins of Adriana G from Fonda?


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How bout Ashleigh C (rhymes with Boons)


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Anyone know who this is?


I have one of Lindsay _radt from MCS, post your win of San M


What's Sam's last name

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Last one died. A ton of wins in this area let’s restart it.
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new discord???


You can fuck off. Garbage short-dick POS. You’ve probably got no job, no gf, and nothing to offer someone. You fucks are no better than the drug dealers in this area. Low-life pieces of shit with no goals in life and nothing to offer to society other than being a criminal and a sex offender. Can’t find a gf so you gotta beg other dudes to throw females under the bus that we’re smart enough to leave their asses.

You’re pathetic.


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I got these off this potato a few days ago. She's selling them on kik as maggiemay902.


Oh lame, she sold those to him. Why would anyone pay for porn when it’s free on the internet?


Bump for you to get fucked… in jail because what you’re doing is a crime! BAHAHAHHAHA seriously though, go to hell youre a bunch of losers and you’re gonna get tracked.

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Post everything you got!!!!
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anyone have Gianna M rhymes with Lochi ?


The shirt from some of those Instagram videos is the same as the screenshots of her twerking someone was trying to get money for with her face in it…it could be real.






Get the cord lit!

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 No.222898[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

binghamton, vestal, endicott, endwell, johnson city, etc. add my kik: 607king to trade
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Lmao at least those girls will have jobs despite your desperate attempts to spite their reputation.

Unlike you asshats who won’t even be able to get custody of your kid if you have one.

You should really learn how the world works.


You seem to forget that people can sue for damages. Including expenses toward the suit.


Lmao and your ass doesn’t have money to employ an attorney to keep you out of jail. Keep hatin on the fact that you brought this on yourself by victimizing others. It just proves what a joke of a human you are.


YOU WISH these girls were whores. At least then you’d have a shot at getting with one of them.


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Kaitlin D.

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