* SofaROM v2.6 *
* coded by Louthrax in November 2017 *
* A.I. code by NYYRIKKI *
SofaROM is an MSX tool designed to launch MSX ROM images. It
supports several "ROM devices" and most ROMs and MegaROMs formats.
ROMs can also be launched without any external device using "Memory
mapper" or "turboR mapper".
Depending on the options passed, ROMs are patched on the fly to use
JoyMega, Game Master 1 or 2, PSG to SCC, external SCC (for ROM
devices having no integrated SCC chip) or other features.
SofaROM will pick the best suitable ROM device depending on the
ROM type and settings chosen. You can specify a "preferred device"
with the /Dx option, but if this one is not found or suitable,
another device might be selected instead.
You are allowed to freely use and distribute SofaROM for any non-
commercial usage.
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the author be held liable for any
damages arising from the use of this software.
MSX computer with MSX-DOS 2, and some extra mapped-memory on
the main slot if you want to use Game Masters or "Memory mapper" to
launch ROMs.
Supported ROM devices are:
* Memory mapper
- Game Master 1 support only for small ROMs (<=32KB).
- No Game Master 2 support.
- ROMs will be patched at load time by SofaROM for all ROM
- Disk accesses during ROM execution.
- Fastest speed on turboR R800 mode.
- /T option required for SCC sounds.
* turboR mapper
- ROMs will be patched at load time by SofaROM for all ROM
- No disk accesses during ROM execution but ROM size limited to
- Fastest speed on turboR R800 mode.
- /T option required for SCC sounds.
* SD Snatcher
- Same as Snatcher cartridge but pages are offseted by 8.
- ROMs will be patched at load time by SofaROM for all ROM
* Snatcher
- Konami SCC+ cartridge.
- ROMs will be patched at load time by SofaROM for non-SCC ROMs.
* MegaRAM
- ROMs will be patched at load time by SofaROM for ASCII ROMs.
- /T option required for SCC sounds.
- ROMs will be patched at load time by SofaROM for non-SCC ROMs.
- ROMs will be patched at load time by SofaROM for non-ASCII8
* MegaFlashROM SCC
- ROMs will be patched at load time by SofaROM for non-SCC ROMs.
- Native support for all ROMs.
* MegaFlashROM SCC+ SD
- Native support for all ROMs except Linear0 and LinearC (see
* Multi-MSXRAM
- Native support for all ROMs.
- /T option required for SCC sounds.
* MegaFlashROM SCC+
- Native support for all ROMs.
* Carnivore 2 - RAM
- Native support for all ROMs.
* Carnivore 2 - Flash
- Native support for all ROMs.
You have to reserve an entry for SofaROM in the Carnivore 2
flash memory in order to use it (the Carnivore 2 can be flashed
in RAM mode without doing that, but the size is limited to
720KB). Here's the procedure for it:
1. Extract one of the file in CARNIROM.ZIP depending on the
space you want to reserve for SofaROM in flash memory. Go to
the SofaROM directory, and type:
SOFAROM1.ROM will reserve 1MB in flash memory, SOFAROM2.ROM
will reserve 2MB, etc...
2. Flash the extracted ROM file in the Carnivore 2 flash
memory using C2MAN.COM or C2MAN_40.COM (the same way you
flash a normal ROM).
3. Reset you MSX.
Supported ROM types
Supported ROM types are:
ASCII MegaROMs with 16KB pages and standard switch addresses
(6000 and 7000).
ASCII MegaROMs with 16KB pages and "TAITO" switch addresses
(67F8 and 77F8).
ASCII MegaROMs with 8KB pages and standard switch addresses
(6000, 6800, 7000 and 7800).
ASCII MegaROMs with 8KB pages and "TAITO" switch addresses
(67F8, 6FF8, 77F8 and 7FF88).
* Konami SCC
Konami SCC MegaROMs (switch addresses 5000, 7000, 9000 and
* Konami
Konami MegaROMs (switch addresses 4000, 6000, 8000 and A000).
ASCII MegaROMs with 16KB pages and "wide" switch addresses
(6000-67FF and 7000-77FF).
ASCII MegaROMs with 8KB pages and "wide" switch addresses (6000-
67FF 6800-6FFF 7000-77FF and 7800-7FFF).
* Linear
Linear ROM image starting at 4000 or 8000 and not overlapping
* Linear0
Linear ROM image starting at 0000 and not overlapping C000-FFFF.
* LinearC
Any linear ROM image overlapping C000-FFFF.
BASIC ROM image (starting at 8000).
Non-volatile ROM devices
SofaROM keeps track of the last flashed ROMs for each type of
device in a "SROM.FLH" file. If a device is considered non-volatile,
SofaROM reflashes it only when needed (different ROM file or
different options).
Non-volatile devices are:
* MegaFlashROM SCC
* MegaFlashROM SCC+
* MegaFlashROM SCC+ SD
You can force reflashing by using the /E option or manually
deleting the "SROM.FLH" file.
Artificial intelligence
When patching ROMs, SofaROM uses A.I. code (created by NYYRIKKI) to
detect if the area to patch is really code, or data (patching
must be avoided in this case).
You have a limited control on this process with the /A option.
Basically, try to decrease the A.I. level if you experiment
crashes in the game, and increase it if you see data corruption
after that (in graphics or musics).
Interruption mode
The /I option is only used by "Memory mapper" and "turboR mapper"
devices. Those two devices are more prone to problems because they
require calls to time-consuming routines to swap ROM pages.
Try to play with this option to increase speed or fix crashes
when using "Memory mapper" or "turboR mapper" devices.
* Auto-safe
Safest but slowest mode.
* Auto-fast
A bit faster compared to "Auto-safe" at the cost of safety.
* None
Fastest mode, might cause crashes in some games.
Fast mode, use this if "None" does not work.
* DI
Fast mode, use this if "None" and "DI-EI" does not work.
You can define several settings in this file:
* Path to the SROM.FLH file.
* Path to the Game Master's ROMs.
* The JoyMega joystick to key bindings.
* The PSG2SCC waveforms.
Have a look at the comments in the file for more details.
Usage: SROM [options] <rom_image>
[options] can be one or more of:
/Ax: A.I. level (0-2)
Default is 2
/B: Patch game to disable keyboard
/Cxyz: Patch ROM to filter PSG channels
x: PSG channel 1
y: PSG channel 2
z: PSG channel 3
0: No patch (default)
1: Noise only
2: Music only
3: Off
/Dx: Select preferred device
0: Memory mapper
1: turboR mapper
2: SD Snatcher
3: Snatcher
4: MegaRAM
7: MegaFlashROM SCC
8: MegaFlashROM SCC+
9: MegaFlashROM SCC+ SD
10: Carnivore 2 - Flash
11: GR8NET
12: Multi-MSXRAM
13: Carnivore 2 - RAM
/E: Enforce flashing (reset SROM.FLH)
/F: Flash mode
- MFRSCC+ (SD) and Carnivore 2 only -
0: Flash at 1x speed (default for MFRSCC+)
1: Flash at 2x speed
2: Flash at 4x speed (default for MFRSCC+SD and Carnivore 2)
/Gx: Set Game Master mode
0: Off (default)
1: Game Master 1
2: Game Master 2
/Ix: Change interruption mode
- Memory mapper and turboR mapper devices only -
0: None (default)
1: DI/EI
2: DI
/Jx: Patch ROM for JoyMega
0: No patch (default)
1: Generic (3Btns)
2: Generic (6Btns)
3: Autofire 1 (3Btns)
4: Autofire 2 (3Btns)
5: Autofire 3 (3Btns)
6: Xevious
7: Goonies (3Btns)
8: Parodius (3Btns)
9: M.O.G. (6Btns)
10: M.O.G. TTK (6Btns)
11: Bubble Bobble (3Btns)
12: Bubble Bobble TTK (6Btns)
/Lx: Patch ROM to use different language
0: No patch (default)
1: Japanese
2: International
3: Korean
/Mx: Patch ROM to use different MSX version
0: No patch (default)
1: MSX 1
2: MSX 2
3: MSX 2+
4: turboR
/N: No subslots
/Ox: Page switch optimization (0-255)
- Memory mapper device only -
Default is 9
/Px: Patch ROM to use different PSG port
0: No patch (default)
1: MFRSCC+(SD) port
2: Muted
/Q: Quiet mode
/Rx: Set MegaROM mapper type
0: Automatic (default)
1: ASCII16
2: ASCII16F8
5: Konami SCC
6: Konami
9: Linear
10: Linear0
11: LinearC
/Sxy: Set SCC slot
x: Main slot (0-3)
y: Subslot (0-3)
/T: Patch ROM to use external SCC
/Wxyz: Patch ROM to use SCC instead of PSG
x: PSG channel 1
y: PSG channel 2
z: PSG channel 3
0: No patch (default)
1: Sawtooth1
2: Sawtooth2
3: Square
4: Sine
5: Triangle
6: Noise
7: Silence
/X: Disable disk driver (required for Iligks Episode IV)
/Zx: Set CPU mode
- turboR only -
0: No change (default)
1: Z80 (ROM)
2: R800 ROM
3: R800 DRAM
<rom_image> is a ROM image file
Thanks are flying to (no special order):
* Bifi for ROMLOAD.
Official site: http://www.tni.nl/products/romload.html
* Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha for ExecROM.
Official site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/execrom/
* Trunks & Victor for LOADROM and for the help on the GR8Net
* Fabf for providing me a test cartridge for both MegaRAM and
* Jipe for his advices on ASCII 16 ROMs.
* Hamlet for providing me a HBM-512 memory expansion cartridge.
* Trunks & Victor for LOADROM and for the help on the GR8Net
* Jipe for his advices on ASCII 16 ROMs.
* Tiny Yarou for the PSG to SCC idea and SG2MSX tool.
* Manuel Pazos for the MegaFlashROM cartridges and his
technical help on it.
* Samy83 for providing a Carnivore 2 cartridge.
* Sebbeug for his assistance on Carnivore 2.