you are disgustingly addicted to porn. so much so that 40% of men UNDER THE AGE OF 40 have porn-induced erectile dysfunction. You literally fap your dicks limp. not old dudes, here, young dudes, under 40. almost have you have ED. LOLOLOL
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Your sperm counts are so low and you have about 50% of the testosterone levels you had 100 years ago. it's so bad that the WHO head to change their testing ranges bc technically so many men were considered infertile via sperm counts.
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your faces/skin literally look estrogenic. you have smaller shoulders, chins, bigger doe-like feminine eyes. and this is the real reason modern women chase the top 20% of men. they are chasing T levels. T levels that are literally sub optimal for female breeding standards.
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feminism has so thoroughly flourished not bc of social engineering, but bc you've gone soft, morally, intellectually, and physically. Studies show that women surrounded by high T men have less feminist attitudes. Testosterone makes women feel safe. modern men are lacking.
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So many of you are literally turning gay. You're attracted to traps (vomit), you play with dolls, obsessed with anime and you act like eternal feminine children. men with normal testosterone levels are repulsed by these things.
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You are the most narcissistic and least deserving generation of men who existed yet. You bitch about women not being able to cook when most of you couldn't work on your car, plumbing, carpentry, like our boomer dads could to save your lives.
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The men who *can* get laid are getting laid in disgusting amounts& the men who don't have access to sexual resources view so much porn to make up for it. gross to think by the time my future husband sees my on my wedding night, he'll have seen thousands of naked females before me
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Hardware stores like Home Depot or Lowes literally had to start making tutorials on how to use tape measures, hammer nails and basic bitch stuff like that bc sales had been going down as customers got younger and didn't even know how to do these basic things. LOLOLOL
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military had to lowers standards NOT bc females were testing so horribly (which you'd expect) but bc the fitness level of male recruits were worse than ever before. even basic motor skills that children were supposed to learn in youth (like summer salts)many men can't do
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and now specifically for FAR RIGHT "men". I guess this would include mannospherians, altright, far right, white nationalists, and again NAXALT. This doesn't apply to normie conservatives or classical liberals usually.
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while there are some good eggs, the rest of you are honestly the genetic dead-ends of society. genetic losers are attracted to fringe political movements bc they tend to be the most affected by societal 'injustice'...
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women and less optimal males are always the first to be affected by environmental and societal problems. bc they are weaker and more sensitive.
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it's why so many 'normie' conservative men are still normies. they, out of all demos, are the most fit, have the highest T, biggest biceps, detest socialism the most. they've been able to adjust to harder times and adapt instead of seeing times as super problematic.
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so you can stop 'othering' the soyboys. bc you ARE the soyboys. you are NEETS, and autists, and whiny, and you are more disenfranchised by the economy and anti-white, anti-male stuff bc you are genetically inferior than other white men.
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this is why so many of you are attracted to socialism and communism, just like the far left men. studies show men who prefer socialism (yes even Nat Soc) have smaller biceps and lower T. YOU WANT A HAND OUT. you don't want to compete.
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you praise muslims for how the treat women bc you are weak men. you are r/selected men (google it) like leftist men are. You feel threatened by women. so you want them to HAVE to be subservient to you. strong men do not feel threatened by women. AT ALL.
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you whine and bitch about women more than Marxist feminists bitch about men. it literally is the least masculine thing in the world, to be whining so much about the women. it makes you seem weak.
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There is a way to discuss and address the current anti-white, anti-male predicaments that don't show weakness but you don't do it. and to be fair, it's not even your fault. You've been hormonally and culturally emasculated. you don't know how to emote or communicate like men.
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but what's worse is you coddle one another. insulating yourself in the echochamber of blaming women, blaming society, blaming mom and dad, instead of doing what needs to be done to get your balls back and find happiness.
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redpills for thee but nor for mee, is basically your motto. You don't want to accept the hard-to-swallow truths about modern males, and especially, far right males. but you're super quick to dish'em out about women. My father, flawed as he was, was a real man. THE END
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