1Password X: Better, Smarter, Faster, and Japanese! マジで!

If you’re new to 1Password X, you’re in for a treat! 1Password X is a full featured version of 1Password that runs entirely within your web browser. It’s great if you’re using Linux or Chrome OS and has quickly become my favourite way to enjoy 1Password on the web.

Since launching in November we’ve been hard at work exploring what’s possible and polishing everything else. I’d love to share with you what’s new since 1Password X blasted off! 🚀

Our best password generator yet

One of the things that we wanted to explore in 1Password X was how could we make our beloved password generator even better. And we were willing to go back to the drawing board to make it happen.

We started by suggesting new passwords directly within websites:

Just click Use Suggested Password when signing up and you’ve secured this website. It’s incredibly easy and perfect for most sites.

Some websites, however, don’t accept long passwords. Or sometimes you need a memorable password or a numeric PIN code.

1Password X now has a fully customizable password generator and it’s our best one yet! When you need a custom password just open 1Password from the toolbar and bring up the password generator:

In addition to looking amazing, our new generator is more powerful and easier to use than ever. You can customize everything and choose between different kinds of passwords depending on your needs.

I’ve always enjoyed the simplicity of our password generator and didn’t want to lose that as we added more options. I’m incredibly thankful that our designers found a way to pack so much power into such a simple and beautiful window.

Smarter filling and saving

Using machine learning, we can now distinguish between registration forms and sign-in forms. This is incredibly cool as it allows us to anticipate what you need and suggest appropriate actions.

When you’re on a sign-in form, 1Password X will offer to fill it for you. If you’re on a registration form, it will suggest a strong, unique password for you to use. And if you need to change an existing password, 1Password X can help you there, too:

Along with these more visible improvements, we also greatly improved form filling all around (especially credit cards and identities) and added support for those running in Incognito mode.

Faster everything

Feel the need for speed? 1Password X is packed full of it! Unlocking 1Password is now over 30 times faster and loading your items is instantaneous.

I’m now able to unlock 1Password X on my 2014 MacBook Pro faster than I can type my Master Password. I have over 3000 items in 50+ vaults spanning two accounts and I have access to everything I need before I can say “oh my”. 🙂

In addition to blazing unlock speeds, you’re also able to view your item details and fill Logins faster than ever.

To achieve this incredible speed, 1Password X caches your encrypted data locally so it’s always available. That means you always have access to your data, even when you don’t have internet or are on spotty Wi-Fi.

And so much more

We’ve added over 120 new features and improvements to 1Password X since our inaugural 1.0 release. In addition to the highlights above, some more of our favourites include creating new items, customizable auto-lock settings, and full support for Japanese!

To get started, all you need to do is install 1Password X and sign in to your 1Password account.

Oh, and there’s one more thing

1Password X initially came out for Google Chrome and since then we’ve added support for Vivaldi, Ghost Browser, and coming very soon, Opera. But as much as I love Chrome and its Chromium-based relatives, it’s time for 1Password X to support more browsers.

Mozilla does an amazing job of keeping the web an open and inclusive space for everyone to enjoy, and we want to support that. So that’s what we’re going to do! 1Password X is coming to Firefox. 🎉 🙌

We have an internal build of 1Password X running on Firefox Nightly already and we’re almost ready to share it with adventurous testers. If that’s you, please give us your email and we’ll be in touch.

There are even more exciting things planned for 1Password X and I hope to share them with you soon. Your feedback is immensely valuable in helping us set priorities so please join us in our 1Password X forum and say hi.

Onward and upwards! 🚀 😘

Install 1Password X

23 replies
  1. Dave Teare
    Dave Teare says:

    One thing I didn’t make clear in this post is our machine learning algorithm does NOT rely on any of your data and it never sends any details about you or the websites you visit to our servers.

    The machine learning model in 1Password X is pre-trained on data from websites that we collected ourselves, and all predictions are made on the client.

    Our security and privacy policies remain the same even in the era of machine learning, and I’m excited to share more details here soon. Or probably more likely, read what Mitch writes once he finds some time to write up his blog post on machine learning that he keeps promising me he’ll be publishing. 🙂


  2. Henry
    Henry says:

    Might want to clarify that/if this is only for 1Password subscribers, not users who prefer control over their vault.

    • Dave Teare
      Dave Teare says:

      Hi Henry,

      You’re right, 1Password X relies on our 1Password service and requires a membership to use. I went back and forth on how many times to say that in this post.

      I settled for a single mention by the main download link where I mentioned you’d need to sign in to your 1Password account, which are only used by those who have subscribed.

      The term “account” can be confusing so I played with the idea of adding a lot of text by every link to discuss this further, but I decided against it for three reasons.

      First, when you follow the link the very first thing listed in the detailed Chrome Web Store description is this:

      1Password X requires a 1Password membership. If you don’t have one yet, you can sign up when you install 1Password X to get 30 days free.

      Second, in the intro I linked to the 1Password X announcement post which covered the how and why of 1Password X in great detail.

      And finally, I figured that the worse case scenario here is someone downloads 1Password X and finds out that it requires a membership. It would be an inconvenience but would be solved within a minute or two.

      I’m sorry you wasted your time downloading 1Password X, but I hope that I was able to demonstrate that I considered this and why I eventually decided against going any farther.

      Take care,


  3. Oz
    Oz says:

    is safari limited in some way to not be able to implement this approach? or is that just coming further down the Line

    • Dave Teare
      Dave Teare says:

      Hi Oz,

      This is a great question. In theory we should be able to bring 1Password X to Safari. After all, we have a Safari extension for 1Password for Mac already, so it should be possible.

      The reason I avoided mentioning Safari in this post is we’re a long way off from supporting it so I didn’t want to make any commitments about if or when it might happen.

      There are some several technical challenges to bringing 1Password X to Safari we rely heavily upon the web extension api, something which Safari does not implement. We should be able to make things work using Safari’s approach, but there’s some fundamental differences that make me nervous. We simply need more time to investigate and see what’s possible.

      In other news, Apple just announced WWDC and with any luck they will be making some announcements around web extensions. If they do, we’ll be the first ones to open their new presents and get to work. 🙂


  4. Eliot Landrum
    Eliot Landrum says:

    I’m not quite clear on the difference between the browser plugin and X on my Mac when I’m a 1password.com subscriber. Why is there two almost-the-same-things?

    • Dave Teare
      Dave Teare says:

      Hello Eliot, 👋

      Thank you for the great question! You’ve provided me an opportunity to write a long winded answer! 🙂

      You can think of the extension you have now as extending the 1Password app on your Mac or Windows PC, and 1Password X as an extension for 1Password.com, our 1Password membership service.

      When we created 1Password X, we rebuilt our extension from the ground up to run entirely within the browser. By connecting directly to our 1Password service, we didn’t require any additional apps to be installed before getting started.

      By being completely self-contained, 1Password X doesn’t depend on 1Password for Mac or Windows, making it perfect for Chrome OS and Linux. In fact during the beta testing of 1Password X we invited only those on Linux as we wanted to make sure we nailed the experience there before moving forward.

      As a result of its design, you can run 1Password X anywhere, including Mac and Windows, which of course we already have apps and extensions for. So in theory you could run 1Password X and the 1Password app extension side-by-side, but I personally recommend against that as it can be confusing and I like to keep my icons on my toolbar to a minimum.

      Since we rewrote absolutely everything in 1Password X, there are some features we haven’t been able to add yet, such as Touch ID and coordinated unlocking with 1Password for Mac and Windows. But even without those, I’ve personally enjoyed the new approach to filling so much that I’ve been willing to give those up and use 1Password X as my primary way to use 1Password.

      Your milage may vary but what’s cool with 1Password X is it doesn’t replace anything, so you’re free to give it a try and switch back if you end up preferring the app extension more.

      If you do give it a whirl, please let us know how it goes 🙂

      Take care,


    • Dave Teare
      Dave Teare says:

      Hi Daniel, 👋

      Safari support is something we’re very interested in adding to 1Password X. Same with Edge. We’re a long way off from supporting those, however, so I remained silent on them in this post.

      For Safari specifically, there are some technical challenges there as we’re using the web extension api which Safari does not implement. We should be able to make things work using Safari’s approach, but there’s some issues there that make me nervous enough not to commit to adding support there. At least not yet.

      Apple just announced WWDC, their developer conference, and I’m hopeful they make some announcements around web extensions that week. If they do, I know what I’ll be doing all night after the announcement 🙂

      Fingers crossed! 🤞


  5. Steven
    Steven says:

    So in terms of security I know if I’m using the “desktop” version nothing in any of my vaults is sent anywhere, so its as secure as my passcode. But if I have a membership and/or use 1Password X (and I’m unclear of the difference between the two) am I as secure or are my vault data stored on Agile Bits software. If you’ve discussed this somewhere else a link to that would be great.

    • Dave Teare
      Dave Teare says:

      Hi Steven,

      Thank you for takin the time to ask! I’ll do my best to answer without overwhelming you with links! 🙂

      So you’re right, there are two ways to use 1Password: a membership where your data is synced for you automatically, and a standalone license model where you sync your data yourself. Let’s just call these standalone and membership for short.

      You’re using the standalone version at the moment, which is great. You’re more than welcome to continue doing so. While 1Password X requires a membership, it doesn’t replace anything so you’re able to continue using your current setup.

      Now I’d like to unpack your statement that “nothing in any of my vaults is sent anywhere” with your current set up. This is true if you are using WLAN Sync, but it is not true if you’re using Dropbox or iCloud to sync your data. With those services your data is encrypted with your Master Password before it leaves your device, so I would agree with you fully if we changed your statement slightly to say “nothing of any value in any of my vaults is sent anywhere”.

      With 1Password memberships we actually take things several steps further. The most visible example of that is the Secret Key. Each account comes with it’s own Secret Key that is used to protect your data in addition to your Master Password. This key consists of 128 bits of entropy and is never sent to our servers. It means that even if an attacker managed to break into our servers and steal a copy of the data (something that we have many protections against, but we wanted to be able to sleep soundly at night so we went even further), it would be infeasible for them to launch a password guessing brute force attack against you, regardless of how strong your Master Password is.

      You can learn more on our security page, and if you’d like to dive deep into how 1Password keeps your data secure, we have a delightful white paper that I know you will enjoy.

      Long story short, storing your data on our servers is more secure than anywhere else. By having control over both sides we were able to employ additional safe guards that we had no mechanism to provide elsewhere.

      I hope I’ve managed to answer your question. Please let me know and I’ll be happy to help more if need be. Also, I’ve been known to get so excited talking about our security that I often create additional questions, so by all means, please let me know if you’d like me to expand on anything here.

      Take care, 👋


    • Dave Teare
      Dave Teare says:

      Hi Perry,

      I for one have a ton of love for Safari. 🧡 It’s a great browser!

      Please see my reply to Oz and Daniel above for details on why Safari didn’t make it into this post. Hopefully the next 1Password X announcement I write will be able to include some Safari love.


    • Dave Teare
      Dave Teare says:

      I’m with you, Neil! Safari is awesome enough to deserve three exclamation points!!! 😀

      Please see my reply to Oz and Daniel above for why I didn’t talk about Safari in this post. Hopefully the next time we can!


  6. Peter
    Peter says:

    Where is the love for users who bought 1Password on the Apple App Store? Should we really move over to 1Password in the cloud to get the latest greatest?

    • Dave Teare
      Dave Teare says:

      Hi Peter,

      It’s a great question!

      So you’re right, 1Password X depends completely on our new 1Password membership and so you need an account in order to use it.

      You’re using the standalone version from the Mac App Store at the moment, which is great. You’re more than welcome to continue doing so. While 1Password X requires a membership, it doesn’t replace anything so you’re able to continue using your current setup.

      Now as much as we love memberships and recommend them for most users, they are not a requirement. Not only are we still supporting standalone license users like yourself but 1Password 7 will also have full support for standalone vaults. When the time comes you will be able to upgrade your license if that’s what you decide is best for you.

      With that said, certain features require 1Password accounts and 1Password X is one of them. Just like WLAN Sync is a feature of 1Password for Mac and Windows that will never be possible in 1Password X.

      Different strokes for different folks. 🙂

      Take care, 👋


  7. Ben Gareffa
    Ben Gareffa says:

    Thanks for the update and thanks to the team for all the hard work. I think this is a huge step forward and really makes 1Password X THE way to use 1Password. I love how modern it is and that it brings you right up to speed with competitors who may focus more on experience and looks than security and thoughtfulness.

    Long story short, I’ve switched my default back over from Safari to Chrome to take advantage of what seems to be a fully fleshed-out 1Password X. Thanks again for all that you do at Agile Bits!

    • Dave Teare
      Dave Teare says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words, Ben! 🧡

      Feedback like yours is fuel for my fire. Thank you for keeping it lit! 🔥

      Onward and upward!


  8. Tangible
    Tangible says:

    I greatly appreciate the oft-repeated assurance that the purchased stand-alone version of 1Password is still a product you’re committed to. That said, actions speak louder than words, and it seems that every significant enhancement now works only for those using the pay-forever version.

    What are your plans for major enhancements for those who prefer not to subscribe? If there are none, then all those assurances seem a bit hollow.

    • Dave Teare
      Dave Teare says:

      Hi Tangible,

      You’re right, actions do speak very loudly! But I’d argue that words speak pretty loudly, too. At least they should as we’ve been working on 1Password for over a decade now and I hope we’ve built up enough trust and goodwill by now that our words can be taken at face value. That combined with the fact that we’re still selling licenses today I would hope would put your mind at ease.

      With that said, our Windows users who chose to stick with standalone licenses have needed to wait a long time to see love from us. It has been too long but they have not been forgotten and I look forward to being able to share more on this soon. We’re just not there yet as things need a bit more time in the oven before they’ll be ready to share.

      Take care Tangible, we’ll have a post that speaks directly to you soon. 🧡


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