



AAAPIを申請したら、その申請に対する返答としてアプリとアカウントが凍結されてしまったわけですが、その後異議を申し立てたところ2週間無視されました。 その後、アカウント凍結の窓口から新規に問い合わせたところ、回答はこれ。


Your account has been suspended because multiple applications registered to your account (or accounts) have been found in violation of the Developer Agreement and Policy, including:

  • Developer Agreement: Sections II.A.3, II.A.5
  • Developer Policy: Section I.F.5.a

In order for this account to be unsuspended, you should log into the Twitter Applications Management system ( and delete all but one of the applications registered to your account.

Once you have completed that action, respond to this notice indicating that you have complied, and understand the requirements in the Developer Agreement and Policy prohibiting the creation of multiple applications for the same use case.

If you believe your account has been suspended in error, or wish to provide more details about the use cases for these applications, please reply to this message.

Regards, Twitter Platform Operations



Thanks for the follow up. Would you please explain the differences between:

  • Azurea - app ID xxxx
  • Azurea for Windows - app ID xxx
  • Amelloides - app ID xxx

Regards, Twitter Platform Operations


Hello @tmyt,

Thank you for the additional information. We have reviewed your request and have reactivated your API keys and account. Going forward, carefully ensure that you adhere to Twitter’s policies:

  • Developer Agreement and Policy
  • Automation Rules
  • Twitter Rules

Regards, Twitter Platform Operations

つまり、アカウントとAPIキーは復活させたよ、これからもTwitterのPolicyを遵守しろよ。という注意付き。だから違反してねーって言ってるんだけど。 だけども、1日経ってもAPIキーが復活されないので、APIキーが凍結されている窓口から問い合わせ。そのときに、Ref***でReactivateしたって言ったよね?なんでReactivateされてないの????というコメント付きで。 すると返答はこれ。

Hello @tmyt,

Thank you for reaching out. We have reviewed your request and have reactivated your API key. Going forward, carefully ensure that your application adheres to Twitter’s policies:

  • Developer Agreement and Policy
  • Automation Rules
  • Twitter Rules

Please note, applications found to be violating policy again may be subject to permanent suspension.

Regards, Twitter Platform Operations



Thanks for reaching out. Your app has been restricted or suspended due to one or more violations of our Developer Agreement and Policy, Automation Rules, Display Requirements and/or Twitter Rules. Common reasons for this happening include:

  • Users reporting content posted through your app as spam (Tweets, RTs, favs, DMs, etc.)
  • Abusive use of automations, like auto-following/unfollowing
  • Suspicious API usage, such as repeatedly hitting rate limits
  • Display violations regarding how you must show Tweets

This list is not exhaustive, so review our policy documentation to ensure that your app and your app’s users are following all of our rules.

Please respond to this email if you need further clarification, but note that we will only consider a request to lift this restriction after you provide us with the following information:

  • App ID and consumer key
  • Link to and instructions on how to log into your app to review it for compliance
  • A list of specific changes that you have made to resolve policy non-compliance

We will not respond to requests to lift restrictions that do not include this information.

Regards, Twitter Platform Operations

は????ふざけてんの?そもそもReactivateされてないのにhas been restricted or suspendedってなんなの?あんたらレビューしてReacitvateするって言ったんじゃないの?全く意味がわからないしこれでDeveloper Friendlyとかなめてんのか?ブチギレながらもとりあえず、相手の指示に従って、メールを返したけれどもアメリカ時間で土日だったので返答はまだ。この先どうなるかちょっとわからんです。
