There are
countless references in medical textbooks and papers to the many dopamine
antagonist drugs and chemicals known to cause Parkinson’s disease and this short
paper is just a short summary to add to my website until I have time to write a
longer more detailed one. References to medical textbooks and papers are given
in the text instead of being listed at the end as is usual with most medical
British National Formulary written by the B.M.A. and The Royal Pharmaceutical
Society of Great Britain and issued 6 monthly in March and September for the
medical profession in the U.K. to use when prescribing, notes that the
phenothiazine anti-psychotic drugs can cause Parkinson’s disease but that on
onset of the symptoms of Parkinson’s if the drug is withdrawn the symptoms
usually subside.
Carson, the U.S. biologist in her internationally famous book “Silent Spring”
1962, notes on page 182 in the chapter “through a Narrow Window” that
phenothiazines are used as pesticides and are like D.D.T., lindane and many
other now banned pesticides uncouplers of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) causing
effects on locking up the energy in the mitochondria and other serious health
University textbook on “Adverse Drug Reactions” edited by D.M. Davies gives a
list of 15 commonly prescribed drugs which are documented to cause Parkinson’s
disease, eight of which are the neuroleptics the phenothiazines.
Pharmaceutical Journal Vo. 251 dated 2nd October 1993 on pages 448
and 454 carried reports on the drugs and herbicides documented to cause
Parkinson’s disease.
From time
to time the media has some reports of drugs and chemicals causing Parkinson’s
disease and one I have to hand is from The Woman magazine dated 119th
February, 2001 which states of Parkinson’s “What are the causes” and then says
that there are several possible causes including “certain types of poisoning and
various drugs”. These reports seem to go generally unnoticed by most of the
media and the public could be forgiven if they thought there were no known
causes as most T.V. and media reports and the Parkinson’s Society always say
that the causes are unknown.
A very
technical book I have “Design of Enzyme Inhibitors as Drugs” by Oxford
University Press dated 1989 notes of Parkinson’s disease that there are
exposures to other agents, which can act as a catalysts making the effects of
drugs and chemicals known to cause the condition irreversible. This includes
some chemicals and ultra-violet light.
David F.
Horrobin, M.A., D.Phil., B.M.,B.Ch. (reader of physiology The Medical school,
University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1972) in his book “Prolactin: Physiology and
Clinical Significance” has a chapter 29 on page 153 on “Natural and Drug
Induced Parkinsonism” This gives some of the then known pathways in which drugs
and chemicals which are dopamine antagonists cause Parkinson’s disease.
On 13th
February, 1993 The Observer newspaper carried a long article on Page 9 with the
title ‘Mystery of harmless secrets the
state dare not tell’. In this list is what the Observer newspaper thought was a
stupid and harmless secret act put in place for 75 years by the UK Government in
World War 2, so it is still in force today...! This Official Secrets Act is on
the effects of ultra violet street lighting, which was not adopted in WW2. I
wrote to the Observer pointing out that this Secrets Act was perhaps not as
harmless and stupid as they said it was if you looked at the very harmful
effects of ultra-violet street lighting and any on the countless 1000’s of
people exposed to the herbicides and drugs documented to cause them!