Written 1990 – updated in 2005
This is the case of aplastic anaemia in a 13 year old boy living in a house
treated with lindane insecticide.
Before lindane was banned in the U.K. exposure caused countless numbers of cases
of aplastic anaemia, leukaemia's, and cancers in those living in the treated
houses and sometimes in the operators spraying the houses. To obtain a mortgage
it was necessary to have a certificate that any timbers affect by woodworm or
rot had been treated and were guaranteed protected for up to 30 years.
The following are just 3 of the 100’s of references in medical papers and
textbooks linking aplastic anaemia, a precursor condition to leukaemia and
other cancers, and organochlorine insecticides like lindane and DDT.
The Martindale Extra Pharmacopoeia 29th Edition Page 1344.
“Chlorinated Pesticides – including DDT and lindane. Adverse Effects include
agranulocytosis and aplastic anaemia. They are stored in body fats and not
readily excreted except in breast milk and possibly through the placenta”
Bowman and Rand – Pharmacology “Aplastic Anaemia – Most cases are induced by
drugs and chemicals. Ionization radiations have the same effects.” On the same
page included in a list of drugs and chemicals known to cause aplastic anaemia
is “lindane gamma benzene hexachloride”. (lindane has a 30 year half-life so its
effects will take 100’s of years to reduce to safe levels after being banned).
University of Texas – Houston Medical 1997. “Aplastic anaemia Answer Book. What
are the causes of aplastic anaemia?
Aplastic anaemia has been clearly linked
to radiation, environmental toxins, insecticides, and drugs in much the same
fashion that cancer has been linked to these agents.”
the case which is being examined here the house of a 13 year old boy was heavily
treated with lindane insecticide by a national wood treatment company including
liberal amounts on the bare wood floor in the boys bedroom infested with
Not only did the boy breath the fumes in but
he also lay for long hours on the freshly treated floorboards in front of a
radiator. A few weeks later
he became ill with symptoms of bruising (thromboocytopenia due to low platelets)
and out of breath (due to very low red cell counts and was diagnosed as having
aplastic anaemia (destruction of the bone marrow). He required regular platelet
and whole blood transfusions to keep him alive for months whilst a suitable
match for a bone marrow transplant was sought. No investigation was made into
the cause of his illness but with other recent cases reported his parents did
try to claim the cause was his exposure to lindane but all his doctors dismissed
this. One consultant did suggest he try drinking bottled spring water (the
chlorine and fluorine in tap water can combine with organic chemicals to produce
organochlorine compounds like lindane).
Because his parents had little idea of the causes he was bought lots of models
to make glued together with solvent glue. His condition not surprising
deteriorated. Solvent abuse and people exposed to the benzene related chemicals
in the glues for model making are documented in medical papers to develop
aplastic anaemia.
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of the level of lindane in the
boys body fat was
obtained from his hospital. This showed huge levels of lindane in his
body fats compared with the very low levels found in the fats of a health
control patient. ( a copy of this is attached ). Note: medical papers and
textbooks state quite clearly that it is vital to remove aplastic anaemia
patients from causative agents as they may have become highly sensitised to
future exposures. This was clearly not done in this or any other case I have
article in the Haematology Digest 1990 by The Haematology Department at Royal
Liverpool Hospital reports that they had found 3 patients with aplastic anaemia
who had extremely high levels of lindane in their body fats. My own
investigations showed that hospitals throughout the U.K. at that time had
countless patients with aplastic anaemia, leukaemia and cancers resulting from
exposure to lindane. I found them in the hospitals I attended as an aplastic
anaemia patient in Leeds, Halifax and London and there were other cases I was in
touch with at other hospitals.
have a letter from a London firm of lawyers dated 17th July, 1991
requesting information I had on lindane causing aplastic anaemia and the T.V.
Programme “Earthdwellers Guide” were in touch and I gave them some information
and names of victims. This T.V. programme was voted the best investigative
programme on T.V. winning many awards when it was taken off air just after the
programme in which it reported on lindane causing aplastic anaemia, cancers and
birth defects.
suitable donor for a transplant was found for the boy but he did not survive it
dying at the age of 15 after nearly two years of terrible suffering. His family
were paid out-of-court compensation.
With nearly all cases of aplastic anaemia and related conditions there are many
related things happening surrounding each case and this case was no exceptions.
The boy’s local consultant said he had had his house treated and he and his wife
were still O.K. so lindane could not cause aplastic anaemia, leukaemia and
cancers. A few months later his wife was diagnosed with leukaemia. ( it does
not seem to matter how many papers are written and how many victims there are
the medical profession are always prepared to support the drug and chemical
industries and are even prepared to argue black is white to defend them.)
The family moved out of the house when they realised the dangers, they were
actually advised to get out by one friendly doctor because they had another son
and before anyone else was affected but not to tell anyone he had warned them.
They warned the family buying their house and moving in as they had a baby but
they did not believe them. The baby died a year later of a brain tumour. Lindane
is documented to cause brain tumours and I have come across other cases of brain
tumours following exposure to lindane. In another case I had contact with two
out of three sons were died of leukaemia in one house which was treated with
lindane. They received anonymous threats after media publicity.
The man treating the house with lindane for the national company in this case
being discussed developed a abdominal tumour, he too was paid compensation by
the company.
the funeral of the boy the hospital rang to say the other son had Hodgkin's,
lymphatic cancer which can also be caused by lindane. With this shock news the
grandmother collapsed and died at the funeral. Later the hospital rang again to
say there has been an error the other boy did not have Hodgkin's after all. In
1986 I was sent home from Leeds General Infirmary to die as I was told in
addition to severe aplastic anaemia I was riddled with cancer, this was totally
Lindane was quietly banned and other safer chemicals, which had been available
for many years, were substituted. When lindane was banned in Israel the levels
of breast cancer dropped dramatically. When the widely used antibiotic
chloramphenicol, which is documented to cause aplastic anaemia and leukaemia,
was used much less in the USA after it was noticed the serious adverse effects
the total number of aplastic anaemia cases reduced. There are many other
dangerous chemicals in use today which are either unnecessary or have safer
alternatives, nothing will be done until there are so many obvious victims the
effects can no longer be overlooked.