


イエレンが語る90年代の教訓Add StarBUNTEN


ブルッキングス研究所の新たな同僚となったイエレンを、FRB議長の先任者だったバーナンキインタビューしている(H/T Tim Taylor)。


I guess I took away two lessons, or that we expounded two particular lessons in that book. One is that Clinton’s first steps, first economic policies, put in place a plan that would lower budget deficits. There had been great concern about out-of-control budget deficits, and it was reflected in high long-term interest rates. But the Clinton administration was, rightly I think, very concerned that tightening fiscal policy when we had an economy that was just recovering. Unemployment remained high, and they were worried about the negative impacts of fiscal tightening on the economy.

So let me just say at the outset: in general, the view that tight fiscal policy tends to depress employment and economic activity—I believe to be correct, and I’m not questioning that. But the Clinton policy was one that phased in very slowly over time a tightening of fiscal policy, so it wasn’t a tightening in day one or year one that was dramatic. I believe it was a very credible multi-year commitment, which served to quickly bring down long-term interest rates dramatically.

So in point of fact, I think for at least some several years this was a fiscal tightening that actually was expansionary because the decline in spending or increase in taxes didn’t occur immediately and long-term rates came down very quickly. The economy continued to recover. So the notion that a very well-designed fiscal tightening policy need not have adverse impact on economic activity was one lesson we took away.




Another lesson: we looked at why was it possible for unemployment to decline to as low as 4 percent and for inflation to stay so very low? Again, we have a similar situation with inflation that isn’t even yet up to the Fed’s 2 percent target. I think our conclusion was that that good experience reflected a set of favorable of supply shocks, the most important of which was what Alan had pinpointed--that productivity was really increasing dramatically; unfortunately, temporarily, but dramatically. And that was holding down prices.

In addition to that, and, not one of the things that is currently operative, there was a strong dollar. The appreciation of the dollar was holding inflation down. Oil prices also plummeted at that time.

Finally, on top of that, we pinpointed a decline in the pace of healthcare cost increases. This was a period in which there was a restructuring: many people were moving from fee-for-service to managed care-type plans. At least for a period, it held down the growth of healthcare costs significantly. We also concluded that all of these were supply shocks, and we concluded that it was important. In the present situation, some of those things are still present as well.






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