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File (hide): 1520115838674.jpg (35.71 KB, 500x262, 250:131, breakfast club.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

[–]  No.168677>>168685>>168700[Watch Thread]

Post your setties:

>was born in a poor country in a poor family

>probably did not receive enough food and vitamins in childhood
>weak body and depressed, ugly
>no any property at 30 yo
>average salary here even not enough to rent a room and buy food
>people work here from a salary pay to a salary pay, they have an apartment
>don't have any place to live, so - noncompetitive, thanks parents
>a good education don't guarantees a big salary on work
>the only way - some business or to emigrate in an other country
>no any idea about business, all areas seems busy
>it needs money to emigrate, but there is no money
>probably, other places are not much better for a poor person

I even don't think about a gf, but - I even don't know what to do in this situation and this life. I think to try soylent, maybe this will give me power to solve other problems. If no - I think to go to a doctor, but here there is a little chance that a psychiatrist can help me.

Post your setties, wiz.

[–]  No.168678>>168679

What the fuck is a settie.

[–]  No.168679


[–]  No.168685>>168687

>>168677 (OP)
Look kid, its very likely you made a typo in your browsers address bar. This isnt 4chan, so go back there and dont ever come back with your garbage.

[–]  No.168687

if you have power for aggression - you are not a wizzie

[–]  No.168689>>168692

>it's a reverse dick measuring contest thread
I though we stopped having these in 2015

[–]  No.168692>>168693

Why are you so angry?

[–]  No.168693

Why are YOU so angry?

[–]  No.168695>>168696>>168697

File (hide): 1520130429809.png (209.16 KB, 938x902, 469:451, 1520081556713.png) ImgOps iqdb

Breakfast club is the first brutal blackpill I encountered. The weird chick gets with the stoner and the cheerleader with the jock, while the wizard nerd does all their homework in the end while they go to fuck.

[–]  No.168696>>168698

is that movie worth watching? Or would it be just a waste of my time?

[–]  No.168697

>feels guy
Why don't you fuck off back to the incel shithole that you came from?

[–]  No.168698

only if 80s nostalgia is your thing

otherwise it's a normie teen angst high school flick

[–]  No.168700>>168701>>168702

>>168677 (OP)
Do people who are 30 year old or older than 30 feel pride because they have lived that many years as a a virgin?

[–]  No.168701


I would think most just stop giving a shit after a while.

[–]  No.168702

I feel something, but it isn't pride.

More like arrogance.

[–]  No.168703

I think I've only had two homosexual dreams in my whole life.

https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/pp-vpn-free-unblock-secur/jljopmgdobloagejpohpldgkiellmfnc?hl=en - "PP VPN Free Unblock Security VPN/Proxy - Chrome Web Store"

In one of them I was dry humping a guy in my room near the window.

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