My research for my master degree in Nagoya University was on “The Theory of ‘Japanese’ and Its Critique: The Chinese Intellectuals’ Consciousness on Japan”. Research for my second Master’s thesis at the University of Cambridge addressed the topic of the ‘Industrial Training and Technical Internship Programme’ (‘ITP and TIP’). This thesis mainly explored the responsibility of the Japanese government for misuses of this programme by accepting organisations in regard to the ‘ITP and TIP’ as well as its hidden purpose in implementing this programme.
Subject groups/Research projects
Research Interests
My PhD research project is an ethnographic case study of seasonal labour migration made to Kawakami village, Nagano Prefecture. It examines, from an anthropological perspective, the impacts that may occur on the local Japanese community as a result of employment of Chinese seasonal agricultural workers.
Other Professional Activities
Conference Presentations
“Nihonjinron no henyō to hihan: gendai Chūgoku chishikijin ni okeru Nihonninshiki no ichidanmen” (The Transformation of Nihonjinron and Its Critique: An Aspect of Chinese Intellectuals’ Consciousness of Japan), 21st Japan China Sociological Society, 6-7 June 2009, Nagoya, Japan.
Workshop presentation on “The portrait of Japan and China in the Postwar Period”, August 2007, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
Key Publications
"Chūgoku ni okeru Nihonjinron: jinmon shakaikagaku bunya o chūsin to suru gendai chūgoku chishikijin no nihonninshiki no ichidanmen” (Nihonjinron in China: An Aspect of Chinese Intellectuals’ Consciousness of Japan), Nicchū Shakaigaku Kenkyū No. 18 (Dec. 2010), PP. 71-87.
“Shitizunshippu no henyō: Benhabib “Tasha no kenri” o yomu” (Transformations of Citizenship: Book Review on The Rights of Others by Seyla Benhabib), Nagoya University Sociological Society Newsletter No.10 (2009), PP. 12.
/transl./ Shakaigakuriron: gendai Chūgoku tairiku shakaigakusha no shuyō na riron hōkō: transl. of Dang dai zhong guo da lu she hui xue li lun yan jiu gai kuang (Theories of Modern Chinese Sociologists), Nishihara Kazuhisa (ed.) Theories of Chinese Sociologists (work title).