This SVG always shows today's date

For my contact page, I wanted a generic calendar icon to let people view my diary. Calendar icons are almost always a skeuomorph of a paper calendar, but I wondered if I could make it slightly more useful by creating a dynamic icon.

Here it is, an SVG calendar which always display's today's date:

The background image is derived from the Twitter TweMoji Calendar icon - CC-BY.

Text support in SVG is a little awkward, so let me explain how I did this.

SVG supports JavaScript. This will run as soon as the image is loaded.

<svg onload="init(evt)" xmlns=""
aria-label="Calendar" role="img" viewBox="0 0 512 512">

Next step is to get the various date strings. I'm using the en-GB locale as that's where I'm based.

<script type="text/ecmascript"><![CDATA[
function init(evt) {
  var time = new Date();
  var locale = "en-gb";

I want to display something like "Sunday 25 FEB" - the locale options allow for short and long names. So you could have "SUN 25 February".

  var DD   = time.getDate();
  var DDDD = time.toLocaleString(locale, {weekday: "long"});
  var MMM = time.toLocaleString(locale,  {month:   "short"});

Finally, we need to add the text on to the image.

  var svgDocument =;

  var dayNode = svgDocument.createTextNode(DD);

  var weekdayNode = svgDocument.createTextNode(DDDD);

  var monthNode = svgDocument.createTextNode(MMM.toUpperCase());


Text positioning is relatively simplistic. An X & Y position which is anchored to the bottom of the text - remember that letters with descenders like g will extend beyond the bottom of the Y co-ordinate. This is also where we set the colour of the text, its size, and a font.

A monospace font makes it easier to predict the layout.

<text id="month"
  style="text-anchor: left"></text>

A word on anchoring. To centre the anchor, use style="text-anchor: middle"

A quick test shows that this works on all desktop browsers and Android browsers. I've not tested on iPhones or anything more exotic.


7 thoughts on “This SVG always shows today's date

  1. I can confirm works as expected on iPhone 🙂

    Very nice implementation, will be using this at some point for sure.

  2. Rather than inserting textnodes, you can use the .textContent property to directly set the text:

    function init(evt) {
    var time = new Date();
    var locale = “en-gb”;
    var date = time.getDate();
    document.getElementById(“day”).textContent = date;

    var weekday = time.toLocaleString(locale, { weekday: “long” });
    document.getElementById(“weekday”).textContent = weekday;

    var month = time.toLocaleString(locale, {month: “short”});
    document.getElementById(“month”).textContent = month.toUpperCase();

    1. The original image is CC-BY. I'm happy for this to be licensed in the same way. As code is not typically licensed with CC, you can think of it as MIT - but I'd consider it too trivial to be worth it ☺️

  3. The issue is it uses local phone time. If the phone goes wrong, it's wrongly displaying. Use server time.

  4. You should probably mention that this will only work if the SVG is embedded directly in the HTML, in an iframe or by using the embed tag. This shouldn’t (and likely won’t based off of Chrome 63) work if the SVG is added to the page using an IMG tag.

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