"So I can get to destroying America." That's what the rest of the meme is supposed to say right?
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You're a traitor and everyone EXCEPT for the poorly educated know this.
#TrumpColluded -
Your a traitorous piece of shit for supporting black lives matter.
the.... what?!
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Why don't you give us those "facts?" We'll wait.
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Give us the "facts"m than boyo.
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Why don't you go work on gun control legislation so more kids don't get killed instead of watching Fox & Friends?
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I call BS.... what have you done? You have not implemented the latest Russian sanctions passed by Congress.... WHY?
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Sanctions? Publically agreeing that Russia *did* interfere with the US 2016 Presidential Election?
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Comedy Gold Orange one! You are delusional! What did Vlad get you for
#LoveYourPetDay?Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. UndoUndo
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