


電気代を節約するだけでなく暑さを抑えて生産性も上げるLEDAdd Star


「The Light and the Heat: Productivity Co-benefits of Energy-saving Technology」というNBER論文上がっている(本文も公開されている)。著者はAchyuta Adhvaryu(ミシガン大)、Namrata Kala(ハーバード大)、Anant Nyshadham(ボストン大)。


Measurement of the full costs and benefits of energy-saving technologies is often difficult, confounding adoption decisions. We study consequences of the adoption of energy-efficient LED lighting in garment factories around Bangalore, India. We combine daily production line-level data with weather data and estimate a negative, nonlinear productivity-temperature gradient. We find that LED lighting, which emits less heat than conventional bulbs, decreases the temperature on factory floors, and thus raises productivity, particularly on hot days. Using the firm’s costing data, we estimate the pay-back period for LED adoption is nearly one-sixth the length after accounting for productivity co-benefits.



トラックバック - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/himaginary/20180219/LED_in_Indian_factory