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Subject   (reply to 414690)
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>> No. 414690 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 6:06 am
414690 Anxiety Following QI Audience Participation
Hello everyone,

Maybe this should go in /emo/ but I don't know.

If any of you saw the recent QI episode (S15E09) 'Christmas' you may have found the part at the end when 1/2 of the audience suddenly stood up to sing carols, a bit of Christmas fun and joy.

As an audience member in the other half, I can tell you, it was anything but. Whilst many genuine audience members appear to be smiling, I can assure you, the sudden mobilization of that many people without due warning has left me paranoid and scared.

I was trying to make a GIF in Linux but it didn't work and now I'm too drunk for command line bullshit. Have a look at the photo attatched, this is moments after the 'salut' of the so called 'choir'.

Whilst many people in this picture are smiling (this is early on in the act so much of this smiling is smothered in ignorance) you can see that many people are highly concerned. One woman has even gone Super Saiyan. Remember, they covered this shot over with 'laughter'.

I'm not on any social media, so how do I reach out to other people effected by this?
Expand all images.
>> No. 414691 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 8:34 am
414691 spacer
I'm sure this isn't something you want to hear, but you're probably the only person in the world suffering from PTSD because Sandi Toksvig unexpectedly encouraged you to sing.
>> No. 414692 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 8:52 am
414692 spacer
Nobody likes an unexpected announcement for audience participation.

If we're on about being on telly then I've been on The Chase.
>> No. 414695 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 9:24 am
414695 spacer
Which chaser were you up against?
>> No. 414696 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 9:34 am
414696 spacer
The Beast. Did absolutely shite in the final round and got caught with about 30 seconds left.

They pause for a break after they've shot every little thing; filming started at 12 and didn't finish until nearly 3 o'clock and for most of that time you're sat on an uncomfortable chair with a bright light glaring in your face. There were a few questions I knew the answers to and got wrong, plus a moment during the final chase where I actually switched off and didn't pay attention to what was being asked, because I was absolutely done in; breakfast was almost inedible from the Toby Carvery attached to the Travelodge they'd put us in and for lunch they offered Golden Wonder crisps, sandwiches and a few Celebrations so I'd barely eaten and we spent the last half an hour or so before filming in individual dressing rooms with the heating on far too hot with no way to turn it down.
>> No. 414697 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 9:47 am
414697 spacer
Not quite sure what you hope to achieve OP?

Are you honestly that shaken up by having to sing some carols unexpectedly in a crowd? What exactly are you scared and paranoid about?

Anyway I once went to a filming of Buzzcocks, I can'y remember who was on it but i remember it being vaguely amusing, especially the edited out "banter".
>> No. 414700 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 11:54 am
414700 spacer

I think you need therapy OP. Your social anxiety sounds crippling.
>> No. 414703 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 12:17 pm
414703 spacer
I think it was obvious from the fact that he went in the audience for QI that he's a bit special in the head.
>> No. 414708 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 1:18 pm
414708 spacer
This is amusing. You're claiming that forced audience participation on a TV show has caused this anxiety?

You're that person in the yellow hair, right?
>> No. 414718 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 2:34 pm
414718 spacer
>how do I reach out to other people affected by this

Seriously, for the sake of humanity, never reproduce
>> No. 414719 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 2:37 pm
414719 spacer

Yep, OP is her or the grumpy fat one next to her, called it. Bet they're a dyke couple
>> No. 414720 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 2:51 pm
414720 spacer
Sounds like you need to visit Major Wadcock OP.

>> No. 414721 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 2:52 pm
414721 spacer

I think OP is this lad. He looks ready to make a break for it.
>> No. 414723 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 3:00 pm
414723 spacer
I did think that was him, but he doesn't look traumatised enough.
>> No. 414724 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 3:02 pm
414724 spacer


>reach out to other people

You deserve a slow death. Nobody "reaches out" to anyone, except perhaps when one is dangling off a ledge and needs rescuing. Fuck all the way off.
>> No. 414727 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 3:14 pm
414727 spacer

Never let them take away your hope, lads.
>> No. 414728 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 3:18 pm
414728 spacer
I'm not going to be so hard on you, even if you were asking for it by watching QI. That does genuinely sound like a dreadful time.
>> No. 414729 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 3:22 pm
414729 spacer

Holy fuck, it's young Ron Weasley!
>> No. 414734 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 3:59 pm
414734 spacer

betting pool.png
If this is worth doing it is worth doing properly, everyone cast your vote on the identity of OP.

so far we have -

11 - don't stop believing - 1 vote
18 - flight risk - 2 votes
20 - Mister Weasly - posible vote?
24 - So comfortable with myself, I hate everything - 1 vote
25 - labling food 'diet' is trggering - 1 vote
>> No. 414735 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 4:04 pm
414735 spacer
I remember being young and in a igloo. It was my first time there. I must have been 6 or 8, and the Shackleton said something in Arabic, and everyone just stood up. Then they all started saying things in sync. I made a run for it. I was so scared.

Are you 6?
>> No. 414736 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 4:07 pm
414736 spacer
>As an audience member in the other half

He's not in the picture.
>> No. 414738 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 4:26 pm
414738 spacer

You need to re-read. OP was in the half that didn't stand up, the half who were triggered. The picture is of the half who were apparently triggered.
>> No. 414739 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 4:33 pm
414739 spacer

This might be the first time in the many years it has been here that this line of Word filters has had the desired effect of masking the subject and has been amusing.
>> No. 414740 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 4:37 pm
414740 spacer

Either 18 or 23, I'm leaning towards 18 because I can see more fear in him.
>> No. 414741 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 4:37 pm
414741 spacer
I know that QI jumped the shark long ago but this is just more evidence of its decline. They've never had anything like this before, there was nothing Quite Interesting about it. Maybe this is Sandi's influence, I didn't bother watching through to the end. Sadly I stopped caring about this programme long ago, when they ostensibly ran out of great material after a few series. Luckily I listen to the podcast which is much better and is available year round.
>> No. 414743 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 4:56 pm
414743 spacer

Now that I look at it, 30 could well be Green with a suntan.
>> No. 414744 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 5:19 pm
414744 spacer
Did you get to spend much time with the chaser? I'm thinking about going on it, for the sole reason of being close The Vixen and maybe wooing her with my general knowledge.
>> No. 414746 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 6:07 pm
414746 spacer

I would do despicable things to Jenny Ryan...things she wouldn't necessarily enjoy
>> No. 414747 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 6:16 pm
414747 spacer
Not at all. You only see The Chaser when they're at the top of the board and there's no real opportunity for interaction with them; The Beast told the odd blue joke between filming to everyone at the bottom but that's it. You get to talk to Bradley Walsh a fair bit, though, and he tries to have a laugh with you.

It took about 18 months between the audition and filming, but someone else on my team had been waiting for well over 2 years. Also, the buttons you press during the head-to-head chase are just old computer keyboard keys.
>> No. 414749 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 7:27 pm
414749 spacer

>O-oh, I didn't even know there was a series 12 of Red Dwarf... well if you insist...
>> No. 414757 Anonymous
31st December 2017
Sunday 9:43 pm
414757 spacer
If 15 isnt the editor of an anarchist newsletter, she's a dead ringer for one.
>> No. 414788 Anonymous
1st January 2018
Monday 2:37 pm
414788 spacer

Here's the terrifying moment they all saulted together.

I'm not sure why so many people in this thread are mocking me.

Will try and make some GIFs to help you understand later.

'Happy' New Year
>> No. 414791 Anonymous
1st January 2018
Monday 2:48 pm
414791 spacer

I have seen the face of evil and she wears glasses.
>> No. 414792 Anonymous
1st January 2018
Monday 2:49 pm
414792 spacer

We should also keep a close eye on this guy.
>> No. 414793 Anonymous
1st January 2018
Monday 2:51 pm
414793 spacer

Just keep this in mind.
>> No. 414795 Anonymous
1st January 2018
Monday 3:01 pm
414795 spacer

"I told you these weren't our fucking seats! I TOLD YOU!!"
>> No. 414807 Anonymous
1st January 2018
Monday 5:44 pm
414807 spacer

Have you never been to a panto lad?
>> No. 414813 Anonymous
1st January 2018
Monday 6:10 pm
414813 spacer
Honestly can't tell if you're taking the piss or not but please do make the gif as it's rather amusing.
>> No. 414814 Anonymous
1st January 2018
Monday 7:17 pm
414814 spacer


My attempts haven't gone well so far. Here's my latest.

You have to zoom in a lot and it's hard to make things out.
>> No. 414815 Anonymous
1st January 2018
Monday 7:48 pm
414815 spacer
You need to make it larger.
>> No. 414820 Anonymous
2nd January 2018
Tuesday 7:14 pm
414820 spacer
That is the exact bit that terrified you?
>> No. 414823 Anonymous
3rd January 2018
Wednesday 1:05 am
414823 spacer
I've not seen it, from the pictures I'm guessing the middle section of the audience stood up and the rest (including you) didn't? OP, they we're probably briefed before you arrived or when you went for a shit. From what I understand TV audiences are coached all the time, the "APPLAUSE" sign being the most well known example. You had a panic attack.
>> No. 414841 Anonymous
3rd January 2018
Wednesday 7:05 pm
414841 spacer
OP had a panic attack because people around him stood up. I bet he will have seizures when he takes the bus.
>> No. 414845 Anonymous
3rd January 2018
Wednesday 8:15 pm
414845 spacer
Yeah I want to be sympathetic, but come the fuck on.
>> No. 414857 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 11:30 am
414857 spacer
It's not just having people standing up around him though, is it? It's being suddenly pushed to be more than the passive observer you were expecting to be while on cameras that'll be recording and put onto the internet and whatnot. I can sympathise with that.
>> No. 414858 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 1:04 pm
414858 spacer

If I play a game of football I must accept the risk that someone might pass me the ball.
>> No. 414859 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 2:05 pm
414859 spacer
I sympathise with OP. Forced mass participation is awful. I went to an anti-Donald Trump protest around this time last year, and I was all fine and dandy being a passive observer, but then someone got on the microphone at the front and said that everyone should hug the person next to them to trump Trump's hate with love. I had to leave. I've done the same thing at church sometimes when forced to do the "peace be with you" thing. Ghastly.
>> No. 414860 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 2:25 pm
414860 spacer
He was there to watch the match, not play.
>> No. 414861 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:01 pm
414861 spacer

It is what we call an analogy. My point is you would expect this kind of event to occur at a recording of QI. They do audience participation like this all the time. Not every time, and not this specific event, but often enough something similar would occur you should be aware of the possibility.

If they got up and sung during question time you are right to at least be confused, if you were triggered by people doing it during a football match, you are too sensitive for society.
>> No. 414862 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:07 pm
414862 spacer
It was a stupid analogy because QI is a thing where spectators watch teams playing a game and so is football however the OP was a spectator and not in either team despite your analogy placing him midfield.

It's not unreasonable to expect to be warned if audience participation was going to take place, and not unreasonable to be surprised if it happened unexpectedly.
>> No. 414863 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:15 pm
414863 spacer

Then you are really as much of an oversensitive child as OP aren't you.
>> No. 414864 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:17 pm
414864 spacer
This thread boils my piss, I feel like this thread is a watershed moment for britfa.gs we've gone from 'Anon is not your friend' to OPs acrobat hugbox.
>> No. 414865 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:18 pm
414865 spacer

At least I know how to make proper analogies.
>> No. 414866 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:26 pm
414866 spacer

No you don't. an anology is a Similarity in some respects between things that are otherwise dissimilar. what you want is is something so plainly vulgar and obvious as to cease to be a metaphor.

If someone said to you, 'there is no such thing as a free lunch' you would say, "we aren't having lunch? and it wasn't free? what are you talking about? I don't understand!"
>> No. 414867 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:30 pm
414867 spacer

>It was a stupid analogy because QI is a thing where spectators watch teams playing a game and so is football however the OP was a spectator and not in either team despite your analogy placing him midfield.
>> No. 414868 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:39 pm
414868 spacer

Would you expect audience participation during QI? Probably, may or may not happpen. It has happened in the past though.

Would you expect to be passed a ball in football? Probably, may or may not happpen. It has happened in the past though.
>> No. 414869 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:48 pm
414869 spacer
The spectators of one spectator sport are not analogous to the players of another spectator sport. They're analogous to the spectators. You'd have had a point if you'd said something about the fact that football spectators often sing and chant, joining in that way, and that shouldn't be too surprising but I've been waiting almost an hour for that to click and you still haven't thought of it.
>> No. 414870 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:50 pm
414870 spacer
I would think that anyone who goes into QI not expecting to participate hasn't seen very much QI.
>> No. 414871 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:55 pm
414871 spacer

A spectator is not an analogy of a spectator, they are too similar. You lack a basic understanding of metaphors.


I know it would exactly be like playing a football match and being suprised someone passed you the ball.
>> No. 414872 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:57 pm
414872 spacer

Football spectators are analogous to QI spectators. And their players of one with the players of the other. You lack basic sense.
>> No. 414873 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 3:59 pm
414873 spacer


Is this you?
>> No. 414875 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 4:26 pm
414875 spacer
No, that's Drax.
>> No. 414876 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 4:29 pm
414876 spacer

Right, you are drax.
>> No. 414877 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 4:33 pm
414877 spacer

... I'm starting to get the impression you're just reusing a taunt someone recently levelled at you.
>> No. 414878 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 4:39 pm
414878 spacer

Not at me no, my people have a concept of metaphores.
>> No. 414879 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 4:45 pm
414879 spacer

Yes, I have noticed you're quite slow.
>> No. 414880 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 4:48 pm
414880 spacer
OP wasn't forced into participation, though. He wasn't in the section of the audience that stood up.

He literally sat near some people who sang carols.
>> No. 414881 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 5:02 pm
414881 spacer

No. This is Drax.
>> No. 414886 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 6:49 pm
414886 spacer
Not really. Not only does the QI audience have non-zero points, they've won five episodes.
>> No. 414887 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 6:51 pm
414887 spacer
>> No. 414888 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 6:59 pm
414888 spacer
>> No. 414889 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 7:08 pm
414889 spacer
>"peace be with you"
Salamu Alaikum?
>> No. 414890 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 7:11 pm
414890 spacer
You wouldn't go to a women's tennis match if you are triggered by moans, screams and grunts now would you, lad? This is your fault.
>> No. 414892 Anonymous
4th January 2018
Thursday 7:28 pm
414892 spacer
If they can lose points for going on the pitch then that counts.
>> No. 414907 Anonymous
5th January 2018
Friday 12:01 am
414907 spacer
Has anyone ever been at a pantomime where the actors come off the stage and start creeping about the aisles or handing sweets out and that? It definitely unsettled me as a child, I think partly for reasons I share with the OP, and partly because fourth wall breaking in a theater is just stupid. I can already see the fourth wall we're in a massive theatre and your sets keep wobbling and I can see you right there on the stage.

The point of my post got away from me fairly quickly, but I could have lived without Christopher Biggins throwing a curly wurly at me.
>> No. 414910 Anonymous
5th January 2018
Friday 12:13 am
414910 spacer
>The point of my post got away from me fairly quickly, but I could have lived without Christopher Biggins throwing a curly wurly at me.
I bet you love that. I bet you beat yourself to it every night while you finger your bum. I bet you want to be 5 again and get a right old rodgering with a curly wurly.
>> No. 414911 Anonymous
5th January 2018
Friday 12:32 am
414911 spacer

Curly Wurlys aren't as big as I remember so I don't think they'd quite have the impact Biggins would be looking for. Plus it'd melt. Logistics mate, think about it.
>> No. 414912 Anonymous
5th January 2018
Friday 12:32 am
414912 spacer
It's the Biggins angle that adds an extra level of depravity.
>> No. 414915 Anonymous
5th January 2018
Friday 12:52 am
414915 spacer


>> No. 414993 Anonymous
12th January 2018
Friday 6:50 pm
414993 spacer
Sorry I haven't posted any updates in a while. This anxiety is crippling.

I think I might have some sort of mild PTSD from the experience.

I am meeting a lawyer next week (can't really afford but have a credit card) to discuss possible legal action. My m8 says it's a waste of money but I figure I should try.

Question, should I mention to the lawyer(s) that I was on acid at the time this all happened? Could that effect the outcome of things?

Appreciate all your support guys. It's really helping me hang in there.

Sorry about the lack of GIFs.
>> No. 414994 Anonymous
12th January 2018
Friday 7:15 pm
414994 spacer

>> No. 414995 Anonymous
12th January 2018
Friday 7:29 pm
414995 spacer
Even less than that.
>> No. 414996 Anonymous
12th January 2018
Friday 7:34 pm
414996 spacer
you mean: <3
>> No. 414997 Anonymous
12th January 2018
Friday 10:11 pm
414997 spacer
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>> No. 414998 Anonymous
12th January 2018
Friday 10:24 pm
414998 spacer
But that is: c=3

That is a completely differrent line of math!
>> No. 414999 Anonymous
12th January 2018
Friday 10:47 pm
414999 spacer

Assume those are the odds for me winning something from this. Will let you know what the lawyer says on Monday.
>> No. 415000 Anonymous
12th January 2018
Friday 11:05 pm
415000 spacer

>> No. 415001 Anonymous
13th January 2018
Saturday 2:43 am
415001 spacer
You're going to need a lot of proof to make this piss poor attempt stick.
>> No. 415002 Anonymous
13th January 2018
Saturday 7:32 am
415002 spacer

Ticket from the filming would be nice.
>> No. 415442 Anonymous
14th February 2018
Wednesday 12:27 pm
415442 spacer
Isn't that Raoul Moat?
>> No. 415504 Anonymous
17th February 2018
Saturday 8:02 pm
415504 spacer

>> No. 415543 Anonymous
18th February 2018
Sunday 7:45 am
415543 spacer
== Way Down in the Hole ==

The Wire intros.
Each version is based on the original "Down in the Hole" by Tom Waits.

Season 1 - The Blind Boys of Alabama
Season 2 - Tom Waits
Season 3 - The Neville Brothers
Season 4 - DoMaJe
Season 5 - Steve Earle

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