The Unfair Sex

"Women now have choices. That can be married, not married, have a job, not have a job, be married with children, unmarried with children. Men have the same choice we've always had: work, or prison."

A special kind of Double Standard that completely screws around with a show's internal logic. A male character is portrayed performing an act that seems evil and unfair in a relationship, like say, looking at another woman. Meanwhile, a female character can perpetrate the exact same actions but not receive any sort of penalty or negative dividends for it. As such, the end result of this is usually both that male sexuality (and the expressions thereof) are presented as inherently "wrong", "dirty" and "ugly", and that any problems that arise in a heterosexual relationship are automatically the man's fault.

This most commonly appears in long-running series. Shorter works rarely deal with the characters long enough for the disconnect to be very obvious. This is also highly abstract in execution. Expect the target of the discontent to be a guy or girl of the week.

For a look at affairs in general, see Good Adultery, Bad Adultery. Interestingly, the more involved named characters a work has in any given adultery plot, the closer the Sympathetic Adulterer ratio between men and women reaches 1:1. I'm a Man; I Can't Help It overrides this trope, but only with sympathetic male characters. The Inverted Trope of My Girl Is Not a Slut, for the post-Women's Lib era.

Overlaps with Females Are More Innocent, Women Are Wiser, The Mistress, and Never My Fault.

Note: This only relates to the double standard against men in relationships. If anything relates to abuse, please see Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male. Furthermore, no real life examples, please.


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