Black Panther (alter ego T’Challa) was introduced to Marvel July, 1966 - 3 months before the political party was founded. For years Marvel tried to separate the character from the party, but eventually realized that the first Black mainstream superhero is inherently
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There’s commonalities between his storyline & the party’s values; economic and political freedom,strong pride in heritage and culture,fights to keep their people safe from white authority and imperialism.Basically the same principals of Black Nationalism (obviously watered down)
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He is the metaphorical embodiment of Black Power. Marvels wealthiest superhero; Tony Starks money cant even reach, has a PhD in physics-STEM, is immune to all diseases&his vibranium suit is bulletproof. Obviously inspirational for Black ppl considerin our history w
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Movie setting takes places in Wakanda, a fictional African Nation, THAT HAS NEVER BEEN COLONIZED. It stands as the wealthiest, most technologically advanced country in the world.Wakanda symbolizes all an African nation could be if not for yt ppl disenfranchising its
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Wakanda’s wealth is also attributed to a mineral called vibranium. Imagine in real life a rare, durable, PROFITABLE, and highly desirable, mineral capitalized by BLACK PEOPLE... jk no need to imagine because it really is in our history!
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Btw. Captain America’s shield is made of vibranium too. Bro be hopeless without it. Pause to appreciate the
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Black Panther was introduced to THIS universe in Captain America: Civil War. T’Challa and his father, T’Chaka, attended a united nations conference in Vienna. A bomb went off and killed T’Chaka. T’Challa sets out to avenge his late
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Video footage show Bucky Barnes, A.K.A Winter Soldier, as the perp. So BP tried to get at him not knowing Bucky was
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Bucky and Captain America got hella history. So Cap defends his boy, leaving him on the opposing side of Black Panther. Honestly, I wish Captain America was his arch-enemy bc... white supremacy, ya know. But Ill settle for this ass whoopin. Was in that theater aakkeeekeein!!!
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Anyways fast fwd to the actual plot for Black Panther. Inevitably, a huge part of T’Challa’s character development is him actually becoming the Black Panther. Black Panther is the ceremonial and Hereditary title given to the one King of
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Since Prince T’Challa’s father was killed in Civil War - he will return to Wakanda as the new King - The Black Panther. Sis Bassett plays Queen Romanda. Ahhh, She doesn't even need to
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He’s good all by himself, but they are a force when they’re together. Come on, you knew it.. Of course his loyal, fierce, ass kicking sidekicks are none other than a militia of Black women. Without them there is no movement. They are The Dora Milaje. Or the Midnight
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This guy Erik Killmonger is the problem. Hes a native Wakandian. In the comics he tries to exploit Wakanda for his own personal gaines. Hes been hurt by T’Challa so he has a vendetta. But he and T’Challa sometimes still have a brotherly connection. So this can go either
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This guy Klaw is trouble too. H first appeared in this universe in The Adventures: Age of Ultron. He robbed vibranium from Wakanda - just like “the yt man” do, right. mhmm. He and Erik Killmonger have history as well. Let’s see how that plays
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That should be enough to get you hip. I don’t want to give too much bc the movies typically follow the comic history. Enjoy! Issa celebration. Bring out the head wraps and dashikis (if you qualify). it is BHM peopleeee. Soak it all in. We deserve this!!!!!!!!!
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also watch Captain America: Civil War at the very least. it’s on Netflix.
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This how you gone look in the theater if you stand up before the post credits scene comes on and you hear somebody in the audience yelling sit yo bigheadahh
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some additional history I didn't bring up because it hasn't been introduced in this universe yet but it will surely be helpful with keeping up. Thanks
@YIhougan for posting …2:10Show this thread -
lil bit of ppl are unsettled by my Captain America shade lol. Hes not a white supremest, and I never called him one
I actually like dude. But yes, MY black ass would enjoy seeing Americas superhero uppercutted by an AFRICAN king from time to time
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I love us, foreal
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