Antisocialists: people who believe that the state should not
do anything positive for non-rich people, such as providing medical
care or education, or protect them by regulate businesses. They
oppose these activities and call them "socialism".
Those people call themselves "Libertarians", but that term is
propaganda for their peculiar views. It embodies a claim that
respecting "human rights" includes letting businesses trample their
workers, their customers, the environment, and the public; that it
requires leaving poor people on their own if they can't afford
food, water, or medical care.
The state's mission
includes enabling everyone to have a decent life, which
includes both social programs and respect for human rights.
As for those who define human rights to include laissez faire for
businesses and reducing taxes for the rich, I won't endorse that
position by calling them "Libertarians". I call them
Bankster: gangster banker. I did not coin
this term.
Billionaire Polluters: the oil company BP.
The bully: another way to refer to the troll.
Business-supremacy treaties: treaties designed to enable businesses
to dominate the state. They transfer power from states (which can
be more or less democratic) to businesses (which don't try or claim
to represent the public). Their proponents call them "free trade" treaties
because they want to eliminate necessary regulations as "obstacles to trade".
See here
for more.
Bush forces: Dubya
hijacked the US military for a private war of aggression in Iraq,
then tried to manipulate Americans into supporting his war in the
name of patriotism and "supporting our troops."
To resist this manipulation, I referred (and still refer) to those
hijacked troops as "the Bush forces". They were not "our troops"
while privatized in this way. The soldiers may have joined up with
the idea of serving their country, but what they were actually
serving was Bush.
The cheater: Donald Trump, also known as "the troll".
Climate mayhem: the collection of disastrous changes in
climate that will result from global heating. The term "climate change" is
to be avoided because it downplays the danger; Dubya's officials ordered US employees to use
that term for that reason. Let's not follow their bad lead.
I did not coin
this term.
Corporations United: a
accurate name for the organization for corporations' rights that
called itself "Citizens United."
Dear Deported Loved Ones: family members that citizens will
never see again, as they were sent to
far-away countries of origin
where they don't know anyone and have never lived as an adult.
dooH niboR: Robin Hood in reverse — the practice of taking from
the non-rich in order to give to the rich.
Dontcare: The proposed Republican replacement for Obama's
medical insurance law. Republicans don't care about the details, as
long as they can deny funding for medical care to millions of
Dubya: Second President Bush, who stole his first election in
and his second
in 2004.
I did not coin this term.
Exxon (pronunciation): The name Exxon is properly written
with four letters, e-exx-o-n. The letter exx is written like an
"x" with an additional, parallel stroke running from lower left to
upper right, and it is pronounced like Spanish "j" or Greek chi.
When the letter exx is not available, we write that sound with
The name of the company is properly pronounced like "yexx" (the
exclamation of disgust), minus the initial "y", with "on" added.
See for more
Faux News: officially "Fox News." I did not coin this term.
Global heating: a more accurate term than "global warming",
which suggests something gentle and pleasant, or "climate change",
which was imposed by Dubya's
officials to
support denialism.
Guber: My derogatory name for Uber,
because it pays drivers peanuts. "Goobers" is another word for
Heatland Institute: the official name is the "Heartland
Institute", but "Heatland" is
more accurate for that denialist organization.
Il Ducino: Silvio Berlusconi, corrupt right-wing ruler of
Italy in the early 21st century. Berlusconi was an admirer of
Mussolini ("Il Duce"), so for Berlusconi I used the same term with a
diminutive added.
The infant: Donald Trump, also known as "the
Internet of Stings: short
for "Internet
of Stings, Snoops, Cheats and Telemarketers." Those trying to
suck you into it call it the "Internet of Things".
Investors Subjugate Democratic Society: ISDS, the provision
in many business-supremacy treaties that allows foreign
companies to sue the state in a phony court whenever laws interfere
with their profits.
Patriarchal murder: as suggested by Naz Shah we should drop
the term "honor killing". I think
murder" is a fitting replacement. Firstly, because these
killings are usually murder — planned in advance. Secondly, because
they come from a twisted patriarchal idea of "honor", which treats a
woman as property.
President Do-dirty: the president of the Philippines, whose
legal name
is Duterte, but my name fits him better. He boasts of ordering thugs
to kill thousands of people
even participating personally
in the murders.
The victims are supposedly drug dealers,
but when they aren't, the death squads
plant evidence to make
them appear to be such.
PISSI: the Pseudo-Islamic State of Syria and Iraq. Calling
it the "Islamic State" endorses their claim to represent Islam. That
claim is dubious, since most Muslims say otherwise; endorsing it
plays into its hands. Since it stands for a twisted and distorted
version of Islam, it is really a pseudo-Islamic state.
Planet roasters: the people and groups that push for
government policies that perpetuate global heating), usually for their own selfish
interest such as
financial gains.
Police officer: A person who works in a thug department but refuses to act like a thug:
who not only refrains from physically attacking innocent people or making
false accusation against them, but also refuses to support false
accusations made against them by thugs.
Presidente Horrible: former president Álvaro Uribe of
Colombia, who was associated with the country's worst
gangsters/terrorists, the right-wing paramilitares. In Spanish,
"Horrible" sounds close enough to "Uribe" for "Álvaro Horrible" to
be funny.
SCROTUS: Sleazy Congressional Republicans Of The United
States. I find the usual "…OTUS" abbreviations abominable;
I refuse to smear the office of President of the United States
by abbreviating it as "POTUS", however much I may despise any particular
I use "SCROTUS" to expose the disgusting nature of "…OTUS".
Saboteur: The troll places in charge of each cabinet
department a saboteur whose job is to make it do the opposite of its
proper mission. For instance, there is the Saboteur of the
Treasury, the Saboteur of the Interior, the Saboteur of Health and
Human Services, the Saboteur of Energy, and the Saboteur of
Education. The heads of individual agencies do not have the formal
title of Saboteur, but they are informally addressed as Saboteur
Saboteur-in-chief: another name for Trump.
Salafi Arabia: Saudi Arabia's form of Islam, Salafism, is
poisonously opposed to human rights. The Saudi monarchy actively
funds the spread of Salafism everywhere there are Muslims. To call
attention to this, I
refer to the country as Salafi Arabia.
This Treaty Is Plutocratic: the TTIP
(a business-supremacy
Testilying: Making false accusations against citizens with is
standard practice for thugs, which is why some of them coined the
term "testilying" to describe
what they do in court.
Thugs: the armed, uniformed marauders that attack protesters and
blacks, and make false accusations against them.
Usually only a few thugs commit the physical violence, but
when one thug makes a false accusation, the rest lie to support it.
That's why they deserve the term "thugs" as a group.
They are so habituated to perjury that they have their own word for it:
A few members of thug departments are upright and refuse to
support the others' lies. They are the honorable exceptions, and I
express my respect for them by calling them "police officers".
Tony B'liar: Tony Blair, the prime minister of the UK who
joined with Dubya in starting a war with Iraq based on lies.
British protesters coined this term, but I love it.
Treacherous Plutocratic Poison: the TPP
(a business-supremacy
The troll: Donald Trump. He
off on seeing everyone use his name, so we can deny him
satisfaction by not using it.
Trumpery: statements that are phony or deceptive, such as
Donald Trump would typically say. I did not coin this word -- it
has existed for centuries, waiting for a candidate whose name and
actions match it.
Useds of Facebook: People may think they
use Facebook, but really Facebook
uses them. So I call them "useds" of Facebook.
Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 Richard Stallman
Verbatim copying and redistribution of this entire page are
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