Amazon Books @ Seattle, WA

Amazon Books @ Seattle, WA

Amazon Books is not your typical bookstore.

We visited Amazon Books in University Village near University of Washington, Seattle, WA. There are now 13 bookstores across the States. University Village provides complimentary umbrellas while you shop.

Amazon Books provide in store Wi-Fi for customers to search for the product online. In this case, there a cashier line but don't expect to find a cashier standing at the kiosk. Instead, the checkout kiosk is managed by self-served tablets. Customer can checkout using these tablets and their amazon app. The number of staff in the bookstore is limited, so shoppers have plenty of time to browser for the perfect book they want to take home.

All book covers in Amazon Books faces out, and the tags beneath them have barcodes and customer rating. The same for other electronics and non-electronics products in the bookstore. I wonder if those tags will become digital display in the future.

The other side of the store, you can sit and read a book or use the provided fire HD tablet

The bookstore carries more than just books. In the middle aisle, fire TV is on display, as well as other smart home and Alexa products.

Here's a few more products featured in Amazon Books.

Customer might come in to the store to preview a few best selling books, then they might end up buying one of the kindles and some digital gears, and purchase some e-book online after they leave the store. I think Amazon did a good job connecting the online and in-store customer experience. ★
