Please explain what you meant then, because these two sentences basically say the same thing!
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Looks like your heart is in havana
FAKE President.
I've seen your messages a few times and I am fully aware you have yet to awaken to what is going on here in America. You do not understand the political systems or the law. You are a minion for the Deep State and you do not even know it. Wake up.
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I wonder if he mentioned Jesus Christ to the porn stars he paid off prior to the election? Was he speaking of Jesus when he cheated on ALL of his three wives?
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Too scared to come to London, are you? You know you’ll be met with mass demonstrations. We don’t like racists here.
London is full of Muzlims
Sorry. What are Muzlims?
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Love it their ship is sinking
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Release the tape “shilehole” leader.
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