2...doubt that this will generate more of the hundreds of threats again my wife, my kids and me from supremacists who Fox uses to drive traffic. But the time for being quiet about what Fox has done in its role as a state propaganda service and network for anti-semites has ended..
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3.…in 2016, I appeared on Tucker Carlson. I knew this was going to be an ambush of some sort, so assembled my own notebook of Tucker Carlson’s long history of lies to produce on air. After Tucker’s second question to me, the volume in my ear piece suddenly was turned softer…
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4.…for the next few minutes, Tucker used an obscene trick: Asking questions as I spoke, which any local newscaster knows keeps the person being asked the question through the earpiece from understanding it. Just interruptions, not words, are heard....
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5.…thus, Tucker falsely made it look like I was dodging his questions. He did same trick to
@maxboot (see attached), a conservative neverTrumper. DONT appear w/ Tucker’s show unless ur Trump acolyte or in-studio. He'll do this to you otherwise. Watch his interviews carefully…pic.twitter.com/xHcxEd3Aw3Show this thread -
6.….at the end of the interview, Tucker – knowing full well I could not have heard any of his questions and having created a false scenario where I appeared willing to ignore anything he asked – declared me to be insane. As Tucker knew, I did not hear that either….
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7.…after Tucker successfully and falsely made it appear I was dodging his questions, I went home. Fox news viewers were bombarding me with anti-semitic slurs, cartoons and memes. One who knew I have epilepsy, tweeted a strobe at me. This set off a major seizure…
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8.…which caused physical damage I deal with to this day. According to FBI criminal complaint (attached), the person who sent this direct messaged others saying “let’s see if he dies!” and “I know he has epilepsy” and “I hope this sends him into a seizure” https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/949676/download …
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9....once it became clear that I could be attacked in this way, more than 100 people, many of whom mentioned Tucker or Fox in their messages, tweeted more strobes at me. All of those tweets were obtained by the FBI as part of its criminal investigation.....
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10….Fox continued its diatribes against me for more than a year & their viewers began threatening my wife and kids. One came to our home. I emailed Fox producers, talent and the legal department to tell them that their statements about me were false and that they were putting...
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11.. my life and the lives of my family in danger. Those emails were ignored and the attacks against me on Fox continued, even though I was on book leave and no longer writing anything about Trump. I firmly believe that they focused their firepower on me because they had....
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12..successfully converted me into “the dirty Jew” that incited their anti-semitic viewers into online rage – & thus, free publicity for Fox (Im not even Jewish. I’m episopalian. But ppl w/ threats all said things like “Kikenwald” or otherwise identified selves as anti-Semites)..
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13... In over a year since Fox launched this obscene campaign, theyve called me insane, a pervert, a liar and a fraud. What the've NOT done is call me. Or email me. Or contact anyone I know. Or engage in basic, high-school newspaper reporting. Or examine publicly available info…
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14....by intentionally refusing 2 report, Fox acted in reckless disregard of the truth, abandoning professional standards 2 create a false depiction of me based on their own misrepresentations and lies, EVEN THOUGH Fox lawyers knew of the danger created by this recklessness..
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15..by intentionally avoiding reporting, by ignoring public information, by refusing to talk to people, & by taking single tweets out of context, Fox knowingly kept their anti-semite faction raging in delight, a powder-keg that could result in ANOTHER physically harmful attack...
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16….last week, I began to be bombarded by new attacks online. I found a conversation of a group of white supremacists online. Two days later, threats started to be directed at my wife. They were of such intensity, I went back to see what Fox had done.....
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17. ..the same arguments in the same order being made white supremacists online were repeated by
@JesseBWatters , who of course did not do any reporting or call me. They were so identical that either Watters got them from the supremacist site, or whoever wrote this for him did….Show this thread -
18….I tried 3x to get Watters to call me, to discuss the danger his recklessness, to ask why he distorted fact, to ask why he did not call me, and to demand corrections. Watters, like everyone at Fox when called on falsehoods, refused to reply. Here is my last email to him:...pic.twitter.com/67ee4xEBO3
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19…Again, this inciting of anti-Semitic and dangerous viewers who have already attacked me once was done with the full knowledge of the threat it posed of producers, talent and Fox Corporate. There is a evidentiary trail of emails proving this.....
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20...My wife fears that revealing all of this might endanger us more. I disagree. Given Fox’s willingness to continue subjecting my family & me to danger through intentional deceptions, I believe we have to go public and perhaps seek redress in court to protect our safety.....
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21. ... but who REALLY need to hear this are Fox advertisers. How can you spend $ a network that knowingly uses incitement of antisemites as part of its online marketing? Why are you backing
@TuckerCarlson &@JesseBWatters when their deceit and recklessness will stain your brand?Show this thread -
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