How about the opioid crisis here?
Instead of focusing on outlawing Marijuanna how about using that money to help stop opioid abuse?
90% of Americans agree that Marijuana for Medical use should be legal. Sessions wants to take the right to decide away from the states.
You tweet nonsense all the time!
Trumps promises regarding the opioid crisis are as empty as his promises about trump university. He is a smoke and mirrors carnival barker! …
Donald Trump is a pathological liar!
Trump’s Dumb Ad Campaign Won’t Solve the Opioid Crisis! Trump’s attempt to fight the opioid crisis with a Reaganesque “war on drugs” campaign aimed at children is literally the exact opposite approach to what is needed in the war on opioids.
Donald Trump Hopes This Whole Opioid Epidemic Will, Like, Go Away! …
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Thank you Trump for helping with the drug epidemic
My beautiful state of Arizona has become a "shithole" since the illegals started bringing crime and drugs in
If you drove down to Tucson or sierra vista you'd easily mistake those towns for Mexico. This shouldn't be happening. Tired of the cartels having a safe space.
Arizona is one of the last ranked in education because we have to let illegals get an education so it drags the test scores all down. So then we get less funding. It's kinda hard to get class going when illegal needs a separate test in Spanish. This does happen.
Here's a video explaining more about how illegals are destroying Arizona and our country …
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We Americans do NOT want broke immigrants from any country. If you cannot contribute to our country do NOT come here. We do not care if you’re from Norway or not. Immigration based on merits. We are not a welfare state.
@realDonaldTrump@FoxNews@CNN@seanhannity -
Merit based immigration is flawed. Docs in lower developed countries will stay to rebuild. Docs where there is more competition, like maybe Norway, will come here. The immigration will be unbalanced and VERY white. Which you might not have a problem with, I guess.
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You’re a shithole.
Class act you are!!
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And today you further confirmed you have no grasp on policy and you’re a racist.
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