Shane Willis M.Sc. National Aquaculture Training Institute E-mail:, Tel or WhatsApp: +61 447433974, Skype: shane.willis1967 Shane has worked within the ornamental fish industry for the majority of his working life, starting out working at his family's tropical fish farm in Australia, to working in import/wholesale, retail and export. Shane has also provided consulting and training services to a number of projects in Australia, Asia and the Caribbean. He is currently the Managing Director of National Aquaculture Training Instutute Pty Ltd and manages an aqaurium specialty chain of stores in Australia. |
Secretary General: |
Paul Bakuwel. Paul has 25 years experience in the aquaculture and ornamental fish industry and most recently worked as Purchasing Manager for Ruinemans Aquarium in the Netherlands. He has also worked in Africa and USa in various sectors of the industry and majored in fish health and immuology at University. Paul is passionate about everything related to fish and has more than 25 years’ experience in the field of aquaculture and the ornamental fish industry. Email:
EU Representative: |
Nathalie Gamain E-mail: Nathalie has a long history of working in communications and lobbying for the ornamental/aquarium/fisheries industry.
Sandy Moore Segrest Farms USA |
Ekembra Koroye |
Deepak Nopany |
Lim Meng Huat |
Tim Miller Morgan Oregon State University USA |
Danny Benjamin |
Marc Seguinot |
Francisco Pin Lombardoi AquaTrade |
Raymond Cheah |
Willi Heidbrink |
Michiko Kamihata |
Mikael Håkansson |
Frank de Goey
And all members of the Executive Board. |