This is not how to install Allura on Centos 7. This is how to install vagrant using vagrant internals. You may not pass go.. You may not collect 200 dollars. Please turn in your linux card at your nearest convention.
You need to write your momma a letter buddy.
I wasn't taken to one of those places as a child. Man your parents really screwed up.
You have a degree in douchebag. That's it.
I can't teach you about American history here. You'll have to become an American on your own..
The hilariously stupid part of this is that you think she is being "returned" there. She won't even remember argentina and she is facing homelessness when she gets there.
I'd like to see someone like you be forced to take a citizenship test and get sent to a holding camp awaiting asylum to make a good solid point of the startling and unAmerican lack of empathy our country has developed.
Yeah let's send someone who was raised as an American, with other American children, went on to be a good citizen and did some positive things that our kids won't care enough to do as we waste our lives doing nothing in the absence of all these brown people, and send her to a country she doesn't even remember so that -you- can feel better about whatever imaginary problem you think is being solved here..
Keep telling yourself that while you watch what is essentially an American being stripped of her nationhood to be sent to a country she doesn't even remember..
Everything you just said was a lie and the laws around this have changed 4 times in her lifetime making it almost impossible to track -- it is a violation of human rights to drive someone into a state of manic obsessive pursuit to be called a citizen of a country they grew up in. I'd rather see 10 of her than 1 of you.
When I see things like this, and people making comments like I've seen here, I am ashamed in my country. Xenophobia is not an American concept. That ytoung woman was brought here as a child and was raised as an American, around other Americans and now is facing being sent to a country she knows nothing about because she asked for her citizenship status to reflect the life she'd lived. Instead, these inbred swine that I am forced to call my countrymen, who do not know what they are even really supporting, come on here and push their putrid worldviews out for everyone to see -- and then without needing to inhale again go on to ask in other venues why the world has grown to hate us.
This is not season 18.
This is terrible and unmaintainable. Please use the arch instructions:
Committing to memory that CNN is a fake news source.
Please don't give incomplete advice. You still need to mount it to the OS since it regenerates the UUID.
I will enjoy seeing Federal lawsuits against the US from people denied right of movement to attend court-mandated processes. Thanks, Uncle Sam, you just made Maine very, very.....very rich. Good luck with the "internal passport"!
Yeah because stealing a labor laws PSA at a hotel deserves 20 years hard labor and that's totally not fascist. Original point stands, this man is an idiot.
Finally, a reasonable thought. Though, China's support for NK is superficial at best. This could be worked out with China. Cutting off import and export might not be the worst idea in dealing with NK.
Hahaha. I always laugh at stupid people on here. 1) Unmanned assault vehicles are a thing. 2) There are 41,000+ tankers in the United States, our current numbers are just fine.
It wasn't a flag, it was a propaganda poster. Chris Emery should take his place, we need less stupid people over here.
Cut off all food, water, and aid on ground and air in North Korea at the borders. Park miles of tanks around every visible part of the North Korean border. If Kim wants to play hardass, let's make his ass real, real skinny.