The original words of Phanes, tirelessly carved into a slab of "No'".


I’ve got so much stuff tah-do..

  • New email rules.  I’ve got 36,102 unread emails, 36 unused and outdated email folders whose contents need reorganized.
  • Chef setup for all of SURRO and SILO.
  • Clean.  Clean.  Clean.  Windex cleans everything.  Except souls.
  • Run, Run Run.  Gym every other day.
  • Hit the weights.  Lower weight, higher reps.
  • Reorganize all my cupboards.  This is serious.  I have vitamins, windex, and power tools in the same storage drawer.  Not kidding.
  • Continue studies on a potential rewrite of Tenta in C++.
  • Re-read some of the POSIX standard.
  • Read ‘Beej’s Network Guide’.
  • Re-read ‘Unix Network Programming’
  • Re-read some ‘K&R’
  • Read ‘Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software’.
  • Start the formal systems design process for Examplar.
  • Build the last POC feature for Examplar.
  • Prop up a new Jenkins and mock build server.
  • Build a shit-ton of new RPMs.
  • Harden tenta SDLC.
  • Completely redo the silo landing page.
  • Redo the SURRO blog theme.

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