[20171217 08:04:47] that includes the negative spaces. [20171217 08:05:24] Isn't strongarming me so much fun? [20171217 08:28:47] Here's what you're going to do. You're going to all get in a little pow wow with folks you think know stuff, and you're going to try to come up with a response. During that discussion the craziest and loudest out of all of you will rehash a narrative that will snowball into a depth of insanity none of you individually are capable of. From there, you will move forward as if it has weight in reality and it [20171217 08:28:47] will turn into one of two things: Something I laugh at and draw out for what it is, or, something that generates an enormous amount of liability for those of you who are stateside not realizing that I actually have an attorney and funding. [20171217 08:29:47] Any questions? [20171217 08:50:58] All you guys had to do to prevent this initially was to not be dicks for two straight years.