
  • C
  • C++
  • Bash
  • SOLID Coding Principles
  • LFS, LFS and LFS
  • Python, Django
  • SEO
  • SOA deepdives
  • Postgresql
  • Orchestration systems design


  • Staying off Facebook
  • Fixing my sleep.
  • Paying attention to my friends.
  • Building out SURRO.
  • Mastering my ego.
  • Failing at Time Management
  • Teaching myself to swear less often.



A prototype Linux distribution.  While the first release will certainly not be competitive with the massive communities present in larger major Linux distributions like Ubuntu or CentOS, it will most certainly be something to build on.  The aim of the distribution is open standards compliance and much of the glue normally written in bash will be written in an OOP language or C, and likely will be compiled if not written in Python. Developers, systems designers, developers in Python and C wanted.


A system that destroys reality on IRC.  Hated by all, loved by none, from another dimension, and built using coherent systems design principles using carefully crafted components at the atomic level in a succession of coding binges using sound development practices.

One series of components will be used for anonymous IRC log collection with endpoints of cycling external IPs from a pool (with managed concurrency), as well as an interface to manage that process with a REST API, and a web-based user interface that rests upon that.

The second series of components will be able to publish the collected data in a browser-based viewing system.  Used for search engine optimized publication of IRC channels and intended to be released as a benchmark standard for derivative products.

Will involve a showcase on a yet to be released location hosted by a 3rd party, featuring freenode/#python as a live data set. Unless you are that party, in which case it would be 2nd party hosting.  Context is everything.


A Linux daemon that can be used to build an event-driven response system at any scale to infrastructures of any size, but works just as well on one system.  Not a cron replacement.


A listener agent for distributed arbitrary code execution. Installed by you to show your undying love, fear, and respect for SURRO INDUSTRIES as an offering of your home computer’s soul.  It’s self updating!


A somewhat customized i3 fork that will probably only ever be used by me.


A simple SSH multiplexer.  Of limited value.  Probably will also only ever be used by me.


A sane linux infrastructure orchestration layer framework.  An extension of my current orchestration studies between puppet, ansible, Salt, Chef and some proprietary systems.  Will be designed to be functional.


Yes, I am busy as fuck.