#ThursdayThoughts #MAGA
Q: How did Dow Jones hit 25,000?
A: Trump policy.
(Peter Navarro predicted DOW 25,000 the day Trump won & explained the policies that would stimulate the market.)pic.twitter.com/6IeCyeNxyh
Picture is worth 1,000 words...
#Winning#TrumpTrain#TrumpEffect#MAGApic.twitter.com/G3GEXJtiZT -
You should extend that graph to 2008 to see that the stock market grew at a much quicker pace during the previous administration
Obama did better his first 11 months, H.W. bush too.pic.twitter.com/XgvUPpHnfY
They also stepped in after a market correction. It's easy to go up from a market bottom.
Thankfully nobody is taking market advice from you. Turning the market around the way Obama did is like turning around an aircraft carrier. All trump is doing is following the current. If I’m swimming with the current and you’re swimming against it, who’s got the easier job?
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Thanks Obama
Those regulations are made to protect this planet for our Children, and to protect Americans from big corporations.
Will you be taking blame for the Stock Market when it crashes?
Did you know that the world stock markets are up more than the US markets since you took office? Do you believe that's your doing too?
Everyone benefits from a stronger America.
The Dow is not the measure of a strong America...
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Thanks, Obama!
Are you in denial ?
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Big cuts to Presidency needed!
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Wolff book describes Trump setting husbands up by having their wives listen in on conversations whereby DT gets husbands to criticize wives so that he can sleep with them.
Lol! You're the nut job!
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