Was this delivered on a 1099 form?
I had to sign and date it, so probably?
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Variant #1 still required a SW change. So AMD's statement is not quite right.
Its statement claims its resolved.
It's also hard to say that this is a "bug" per se for anyone; it's really more of a new attack vector with some concerning implications for future hardware/SW design. i.e. it sucks all around, no real benefit in finger pointing IMO.
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Which one of those does the PTI patch fix? Then Rogue Data one?
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Also to clarify, the Google team only demonstrated functional exploit PoC on FX CPUs (FX8320 & A-10), not Zen. Zen AFAIK is immune to all 3 exploits.
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so Intel are lying?
Yes. Corporate trying to save their asses with doublespeak. That statement means nothing and nothing should be understood or inferred from it. The NDA on the vulnerability is supposed to be lifted tomorrow, so we'll see what's actually going on.
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Yes & near zero is not zero.
Because if in the future a fourth variant appears that noone knew off as of right now, then a statement of absolute immunity would be false. Vuala, lawsuits Kind of the same as with soap and such, and their "eliminates 99,9% of germs" claims because they also can't claim 100%
Yes & seems Variant 2 says AMD has near zero risk?
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There gonna be a long article on PcPer.
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Could you describe why branch prediction is getting disabled in Zen? https://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-security-announce/2018-01/msg00004.html …
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