Please stop your constant hatred toward Muslims! Ever since your campaign, hate crimes against us have risen. Women can't even wear their Hijabs now without being spat at, called bigoted religious slurs and physically assaulted by your racist supporters. STOP IT!
Just reading this makes my heart hurt. I’m so ashamed that this hateful garbage human is somehow running my country & has promoted so much hate towards your people.
Hey Jessie maybe you should visit a Muslim controlled country before feeling sorry.
Hey, maybe you should research other religions. Isis is the same to Islam as Westboro is to Christians. I have military family that has been to Muslim countries. Have you been there?
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Who are you even talking to?
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If the economy is so great....why the need for rich people welfare
#rich people handouts -
#SorosMinion America deserves the best possible economy we can grow#GoodEnoughProgressivism is why#ProgressiveCities are pits of#Death &#Poverty#Detroit#Baltimore#Chicago come to mind#MAGA
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ONE major act of legislation, that is all, except a bunch of crazy tweets and golf.
Don't forget the SC nomination that McConnell stole.
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Name his top three accomplishments -- and not just three things he's taking credit for, like the stock market increase and the sun coming up in the morning. Three actual Trump accomplishments. Take your time.
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Border wall? Failed. Defeat ISIS? Failed. Repeal and replace ACA? Failed. Muslim ban? Failed. Anything else he promised?
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None of those have actually happened. So you can't take credit for them. Do you get credit for homework assignments that you intended to do but never finished? No, that doesn't happen anywhere in life except with Trump supporters and cultists.
Actually there is statistic after statistic out (even from the liberal media) showing that Trump had done more to eradicate ISIS in the past year than Obama had in the past 8 years.
Give some credit to the military. I wouldn't even go to Donald Trump for business advice let alone military strategy.
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