Who's paying for the wall? Not me!
You keep saying that you are going to build that wall. Saying it will happen won't make it happen. Mexico isn't paying for it? Who will?
Who will pay? Senior citizens, Americans with disabilities, and poor children will be paying. The Corporations and wealthy got their tax cut, NOW the GOP will take the $ from the safety net.
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Twitter is finally taking hate speech and racism seriously! Out of all of the racist and insulting direct messages I receive from your supporters and report, 99% of those accounts have been suspended. Peace, love and respect will always win over hate, Donald.
Do you mean “peace love and respect” like this?pic.twitter.com/EFc9qjmcez
Sounds like shaf needs to spend some years in gitmo
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The wall is racist
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A president who gets his daily dose of therapy from Fox and Friends
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Fuck your Wall.
This dude is tore up over a wall.
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Wait, I thought you didn't watch TV?
He didn’t say he didn’t watch TV! He said he doesn’t watch 8 hours of TV a day.
Ok, this is telling me he doesn’t watch MUCH TV. He isn’t saying he doesn’t watch TV.
You may be right, but if you pay attention to his morning tweets, he's frequently live-tweeting Fox & Friends, responding to MSNBC. Often same pattern in the evening. Conservative estimate would be 2 hrs in the morning.
Ok, what’s your point?
The point is it's laughably ironic that Trump so viciously fights this notion that he watches too much TV, when we see evidence to the contrary multiple times a week.
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