Huh? In all seriousness, can someone provide you with a psych evaluation. Make sure you are not having a manic episode
He's off his meds today or something. I'm concerned he's about to do/try something big; that all this blustering is a smoke screen. What's going on behind the curtain?!
Something is going on. Breaking News story is coming out soon
And the
#Papadopoulos story is being talked about. How he may have sparked the Russian invesgation. After the Trump administration called him a low level coffee boyinteresting
#BlueWave2018#backtowork#MuellerTime#Resistance -
Papa D story is huge!
Yeah it is. It's a giant lie, that the administration can't wiggle out of
Here are multiple professionals who’ve analyzed Trump! He’s dangerous!
28 psychiatrists warning America that trump has the same psychological disorder of Hitler and Stalin. We’re headed off the cliff if he remains POTUS! Read it!
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No. You are NOT about results. You are about you. That's all. You. You have golfed more in 1 year than Obama did in 8, but tweeted against his golfing while he was POTUS. You are a hypocrite. Where are those tax returns you promised....twice?
Thanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. Undo
Nobody will fall in love with you, mate. Nobody.
That’s where you are wrong steve boy there are many people who love what our president has done take the blinders off mate.
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President Trump just gave Hispanics a MASSIVE tax cut! They will be voting for Republicans like never before this year
Dems want higher taxes. Republicans cut taxes. It's a pretty simple formula for who to support.
You belong in jail
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America is winning again!
Thank you Mr. Trump, for being our president!!!
I had no idea insanity was contagious # crazybitch
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And you are all day tweeting.
He's suffering from
#Golf withdrawal. - 1 more reply
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