@deray Sorry, Bro. I follow you on other points, but not on Charter schools. Public schools need to be well-funded not privatized
how about public charters?
Public schools, PUBLIC SCHOOLS, should be well funded and teachers should be paid more. No privatization
@nathaniel_ts@deray -
public charters are public schools
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yes, i remember seeing a fred hampton speech on the importance of private management of public resources
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@deray As a resident of Washington and someone closely associated with educators, I can tell you that charter schools do not work. -
@svafaeezadeh@deray as a parent of a charter school student, I can tell you they do. -
@svafaeezadeh@deray I think you meant to say as a DFER shill -
@RepJackKimble@svafaeezadeh@deray my experience as parent of charter student means nothing? Are you going to trash 2.7 million parents? -
Actually it kind of doesn't. It's called anecdotal evidence.
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Single-payer healthcare. Jorts.
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@deray@SethLSanders PicardFacepalm.jpg...Charters are thinning the ranks of black educators here in Chicago. Private sector = hella racistThanks. Twitter will use this to make your timeline better. Undo
Lol as if those two programs have ANYTHING in common at all. Typical Democrat trying to turn Panthers into pro-capitalist reformists.
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@deray some charters may "work" others do not; yet allowing corporations to run schools w/public funds undermines democracy@NYCKidsPAC -
@leoniehaimson@deray@NYCKidsPAC I would respond to Deray's charter cheerleading but Im blocked. https://cloakinginequity.com/2016/09/02/hate-and-love-top-five-twitter-blocks-and-top-ten-follows/ … Respond for me?
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charter schools marginalized already marginalized populations, they do not work and have been co-opted by venture funds.
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Holy shit.
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So you want to destroy our public schools to improve inner city schools. That makes you just like the 1%. Me first!
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my property taxes are funding Planktown and your reactionary shitposting. This is the worst of all possible worlds.
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Shady attempt to falsify the historical record there, Deray. Your own creation? If not, who's writing your talking points these days?
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