Departmental Bulletin Paper ハーバート・ブルーマーのシンボリック相互作用論における社会観再考
The conception of society in Herbert Blumer's Symbolic Interactionism Reconsidered
The conception of society in Herbert Blumer's Symbolic Interactionism Reconsidered
ハーバート・ブルーマー ノ シンボリック ソウゴ サヨウロン ニオケル シャカイカン サイコウ

桑原, 司

60 ( 3月4日 )  , pp.55 - 72 , 東北大学文学会
The Chicago School of Symbolic Interactionism (one trend of the Chicago Renaissance) represented by the works of Herbert Blumer,has been seen to be major alternative to functionalism and social system theory in American sociology. In addition,this approach also has been important in sociology as a critique of positivism. According to Blumer,from the standpoint of Symbolic Interactionism,the human society has to be recognized as dynamic by nature. By the way,what's the human society in his theory? To summarize his theory about this,it can be said as follows. In dyadic model of the actor and the other,both these two persons take each other into account. Taking another person into account means perceiving,defining and judging the other person and his/her action through self interaction. The fact that each of the two persons is taking the other into account is notable. For, it means that each two persons are brought into a relation of subject to subject and necessarily have to do taking into account of taking into account. According to Blumer,this taking into account of taking into account intertwines the actions of both into what he calls the joint action which is grasped as constituting human society in his theory. Then,human society in his theory means the association of various joint actions. In this article,we try to clarify the reason why the human society (the association of various joint actions) has to be recognized as dynamic by nature in Blumer's theory. In particular,try to do this in close relation to his concept self interaction.

Number of accesses : 35 

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