


裁量は守る、ルールは生かすAdd StarBUNTEN


金融政策裁量とルールの折衷案を提示した「Making Discretion in Monetary Policy More Rule-Like」というNBER論文をミシュキンが書いている10月のボストン連銀のコンファレンスプレゼンされたungated版)。


This paper argues that the rules versus discretion debate has been miscast because a central bank does not have to choose only between adopting a policy rule versus pure discretion, both of which have serious shortcomings. Rather it can choose a constrained discretionary regime that has rule-like attributes. Monetary policy discretion can be made more rule-like, by 1) adopting a nominal anchor such as an inflation target, and 2) communication of a monetary policy reaction process, especially through data-based forward guidance, in which the monetary policy authorities describe how the future policy path will change as economic circumstances change.



  1. インフレ目標のような名目のアンカーを採用する。
  2. 金融政策の対応過程のコミュニケーション。特に、経済環境が変わった場合に将来の政策経路がどのように変わるかを金融政策当局が説明する、データに基づくフォワードガイダンスを通じたコミュニケーション
トラックバック - http://d.hatena.ne.jp/himaginary/20171228/Making_Discretion_in_Monetary_Policy_More_Rule_Like