LINE@ Guidelines


The LINE@ Guidelines (the Guidelines) apply in conjunction with the LINE@ Terms and Conditions of Use (the LINE@ Terms of Use) separately prescribed by LINE to the use of the LINE@ service (LINE@) provided by LINE.  Please read the Guidelines before using LINE@.


(Relationship between the Guidelines and the LINE@ Terms of Use)

For matters not covered by the provisions of the Guidelines, the provisions of the LINE@ Terms of Use will apply.  In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Guidelines and the LINE@ Terms of Use, the provisions of the Guidelines will take priority.



In consideration of the nature of the use of LINE@, including the “smartphone PUSH notification function” and the “one-to-one sending and receiving of messages with the user”, please take sufficient care regarding the following acts.  If the Customer repeatedly engages in any of the following acts, LINE may suspend provision of LINE@ to the Customer and may cancel the agreement with the Customer for the use of LINE@.  

 ・Sending messages early in the morning or late at night 

・Distribution of a large number of messages at the same time

・Mass use of emoticons and URLs

・Transmission of excessively long text


There are two types of LINE@ accounts: Approved Accounts and Standard Accounts. LINE will not allow you to use the Approved Accounts and may suspend the use of Standard Accounts for entities, organizations, and individuals involved in the types of businesses or activities specified below.  The items specified below are illustrative examples.  LINE is not able to respond to questions regarding the specific evaluation standards for allowing use of the various types of LINE@ accounts or regarding the reasons for suspending an account.  Please apply to use LINE@ and use LINE@ after agreeing to the above.  


● Entities, Organizations, and Individuals that May Not Use Approved Accounts

1. Entities, organizations, and individuals whose primary business is to provide services over the internet, such as electronic commerce site operators who do not have physical stores, internet media companies, and online game operators

2. Entities and organizations without a physical store or facilities in the country where they are going to use LINE@ (except entities and organizations involved in e-commerce)   

3. Entities, organizations, and individuals whose primary business is to provide staffing, personnel placement services, or consultancy services 

4. Entities, organizations, and individuals conducting business (i) as adult-oriented restaurants and bars, including cabarets, show pubs, sexy pubs, “snack” pubs, hostess clubs, host clubs, gay bars, girl bars, and similar bars or (ii) in facilities and seeking to pique interest in gambling, including pachinko parlors, slot-machine parlors, and Mahjong shops.

5. Civic organizations, non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, labor unions, and student government organizations

6. Organizations that self-identify themselves as associated with a religion

7. Entities, organizations, and individuals that sell products for which there high risk of potential use for a criminal purpose or dangerous products which have a significant capacity to cause injury or death.

8. Entities, organizations, and individuals involved in business activities related to consumer finance or solicitation related to trading in futures, foreign exchange trading, or real estate investment (except for licensed banks and securities companies).

9. Entities, organizations, and individuals using or seeking to promote mascot characters that are not characters officially approved by national, administrative, prefectural, or local government agencies where there is the potential for confusion of the public regarding whether or not the mascot character has the approval of the relevant official agency.

10. Entities, organizations, and individuals that publish “free papers,” books of irregularly published publications (including magazines, comics, and “mooks” ), and gambling magazines.


● Entities, Organizations, and Individuals that May Not Either Type of LINE@ Accounts

1. Entities, organizations, and individuals involved in businesses based on or analogous to pyramid schemes or multilevel marking sales, such as “network businesses,” “monitor-based” sales, and “work-at-home” sales.  

2. Entities, organizations, and individuals which provide products or services that aim to enhance technical self-potential or ability, such as self-development, and related educational seminars.  

3. Entities, organizations, and individuals involved in certain adult-oriented industries, including adult sex shops, such as soaplands and “fashion health”, adult shops, such as adult video shops, other adult entertainment enterprises that require licensing or registration, and related or analogous enterprises. (※ However, certain business as approved by LINE may be excluded, including certain restaurants and bars, and video game centers).   

4. Entities, organizations, and individuals that illegally or inappropriately conduct sales, brokerage, or agency-type activities for trade in personal information, registration information, or usage history.  

5. Entities, organizations, and individuals that contribute to or are involved in illegal acts, such as sales of drugs or weapons.

6. Entities, organizations, and individuals involved in the permanent or temporary artificial coloration of the skin, such as tattoos. 

7. Entities, organizations, and individuals (i) using in or viewed as using sales methods involving fortune-telling or other spiritual divination or (ii) involved in or viewed as being involved in religious activities that lack societal suitability.

8. Entities, organizations, and individuals that provide locations or opportunities to people seeking to meet unacquainted members of the opposite sex.

9. Entities, organizations, and individuals that commit or could commit acts that are not in compliance with laws, including the laws and regulations governing medical practitioners, pharmaceuticals, and beauticians, or acts that are contrary to public order and morals.   



The acts listed below are prohibited in the use of LINE@.  If the Customer engages in any of the following acts, LINE may suspend provision of LINE@ to the Customer and may cancel the Agreement with the Customer for the use of LINE@. 

・ Distribution of a direct link to the Apple App Store or Google Play requesting the user to download an application.  

・ Distribution of content that advertises a product or service of a third party.  

・ Distribution of information related to networking business, including Ponzi schemes, and multilevel marketing.

・ Distribution of content that is contrary to the healthy development of youths, including obscene or vulgar expressions.  

・ Distribution of expressions or content that infringe or have a risk of infringing the intellectual property rights of third parties, including copyrights.  

・ Distribution of expressions or content that infringe or have a risk of infringing the honor rights, privacy rights, property rights, or other rights of third parties.  

・ Distribution of illegal content or content that could assist illegal acts.  

・ Distribution of expressions or content that are contrary to public order and morals or that are otherwise anti-social.  

・ Distribution of expressions or content that are not directly related to the operations or maintenance of the type of business stated by the Customer in the application to use LINE@.  

・ Distribution of defamatory content that harms the operation of LINE@ or content that otherwise discredits or damages LINE@.

・ Distribution of false information 

・ Distribution of expressions or content that violate the LINE Terms and Conditions of Use

 ・ Distribution of expressions or content that violate the LINE Logo Guideline

・ Distribution of content that could be considered as annoying or unpleasant by users or third parties.  

・ Distribution of content that provides locations or opportunities to people seeking to meet unacquainted members of the opposite sex.  (※ However, LINE may approve certain exceptions).

・ Distribution of other content determined by LINE to be inappropriate.