When written, Duolingo is always a single word with an uppercase ‘D’. The ‘L’ is never capitalized, and the name is never split into two words.
Primary Logo
Product Logo
China logo (pronounced “duō lín guó”)
Partner logo
We want to make education fun, so we use a wide range of vibrant and juicy colors.
We use Museo Sans Rounded for Latin scripts, giving text in Duolingo a fun and friendly feel to match our illustrations.
Section title - 300/34/31
Subsection title - 500/26/39
Body title - 700/19/29
Body text - 300/17/26
Caption - 500/17/23
BUTTON - 700/15/23/1
We strive to create iconography unique to Duolingo by infusing our symbols with Duolingo's unmistakable illustration style. We avoid the generic, all while making sure our icons remain universally recognizable.
All illustrations are geometric and created with wholes, halves and quarters of four basic shapes. Restraint is shown when applying detail to prevent artwork from appearing noisy at smaller sizes.
Duolingo lessons involve a lot of button presses, so we designed our buttons to be colorful, prominent and fun to tap. Button sizes and behavior remain consistent across all platforms and screen sizes.
Primary Button
Compact Primary Button
Secondary Button
Compact Secondary Button
Stroked Button
Tap Tokens
Whether it's a web form, a challenge in a Lesson or speech functionality, our input fields are designed to minimize friction between the learner and the action.
Text input
Chat text input
Desktop Navigation
Duolingo’s familiar blue bar contains links to the most important pages on Duolingo.com and can shrink to fit smaller screen sizes.
Mobile Tabs
When the screen width becomes narrow enough, we switch to icon based navigation with labels only appearing below the active icon.
Secondary Tabs
When additional navigation is required within one of the Primary Tabs, subtly stroked labels are used so as to not compete with with the Primary navigation.
We make it fun to learn a new language by making it rewarding to monitor your progress.
Learners keep their Streak active by reaching a set goal every day. Some streaks are over 1,000 days long!
Skill Strength
Practice a Skill until you know it so well that it’s encased in gold.
Progress Bar
Tracks progress in a lesson, moving forward and backward to match correct and incorrect answers.
Grading Ribbon
Appears after a learner hits 'Continue', congratulating or correcting learners.
We want Duolingo to feel as fun as a game, so we surprise learners with delightful rewards.
Duolingo breaks Lessons down into bitesize chunks (Exercises) to help people learn a new language, all while feeling encouraged instead of overwhelmed.
Construct a sentence without having to produce words entirely from memory.
Tap the microphone and say a sentence aloud.
Translate a sentence between languages from memory.
Fill in the blank
An underscored line indicates a missing word. Use radio buttons to select the correct answer.
Tap the tokens to match words between languages.
Identify the correct object, using helpful illustrations as a guide.
Identify a word by choosing from three options, without an illustrative aid.
Translate the name of an object while also selecting the correct plural or singular article.
Listen to a sentence and type the words you hear. Tap the turtle icon to hear the sentence read slowly.
Read a sentence and select the correct translation(s).
Character Introduction
Identify what sound a Character makes. Currently only available for East Asian language courses.