This is what I said about the sudden appearance of Milo and right-wing opportunists back in 2014 when #GamerGate was kicking off. I think I was right. And judging by what Bannon has said, I think this was always the
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I just realized that half the people responding angrily to this tweet probably think Bannon is some agenda-driven SJW game journalist and not the mastermind behind Trump's campaign and Breitbart.
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Did you only just see that? This is kinda the cornerstone of the 'GG got Trump elected' silliness.
Bannon's own words? Um...not silliness at all. GG was instrumental in many ways to the Trump campaign.
You think. I mean, I know he tried. But was it that effective?
Well Trump is POTUS.
I don't think GG did joblessness in the rust belt states.
I'm not saying there is one simple factor involved. There are many. It's incredibly complicated. But I think Bannon learned a great deal about how to harness the *anger and resentment of various groups* from GG.
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How exactly did anyone get GamerGate to mobilize to vote for Trump? This has never been explained.
Mobilized to vote for Trump? Who knows. Used in that larger effort? Definitely. You're a great example of someone moving rapidly to the right recently.
Gamers becoming political and turning toward the center and right is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If the gaming media weren’t so invested in demonising its own audience and politicising the medium, this would’ve never happened.
Oh sure, all the blame magically lies with your political opponents. How original of you.
You were one of the people directly involved in that demonizing the gaming audience, Erik. Don't try to deny it!
#GamerGate -
So you just screen capped the headline and didn't bother to read it? Wow you are one dumb motherfucker dude.
@erikkain mah son, the mutherfucking archives they DO NOT LIE! -
What? It's a publicly available article still online with no need for an archive. Can you even read is the question?
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There's little evidence of that happening in any significant way, however.
Not from where I'm sitting. I've been covering games for years and there's clearly been a major shift/right-leaning transformation in the gaming community. No matter how people answer self-identification surveys on the internet.
So don't believe surveys. Take a look at KiA. How many posts do you see asking for a wall? How many do you see supporting any of Trump's policies?
I see plenty of deeply right-leaning things on KiA. I think it leans right pretty obviously, though not to the same degree as other more obviously right-wing subreddits like r/thedonald etc
It's not right wing unless you redefine right wing, which a lot of people are attempting to do lately. Traditionally, right wing is religious, pro-military, pro-business, etc.
KiA is not at all religious, pro-net neutrality, pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, for universal healthcare... none of this is at all right wing.
I think it's a mixed bag for sure, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that all of KiA is all of those things either.
I wouldn't either. There are obviously right wingers within GG. Just as you'd expect out of any slice of the population.
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