経済 |
先月末にイタリア銀行が資金循環勘定をテーマとしたコンファレンスを開催し、そのオープニング講演で同行のルイジ・シニョリーニ(Luigi Federico Signorini)副総裁が資金循環勘定の歴史を振り返っている(H/T Mostly Economics)。
Real national accounts had begun to be compiled following the Keynesian revolution, as the invention of macroeconomics and the definition of the attending concepts (income, consumption, investment, savings) prompted the development of statistical methods to produce a reasonable approximation of the real-world counterparts to those concepts. The first release of the United Nations’ Systems of National Accounts came in 1947. Once the statistical foundations for real national accounts had been laid, moving on to financial accounts seemed natural. As we were soon to learn, this was no easy task. Even more, making the two sets of macro accounts consistent, i.e. integrated – a logical and easy step in theory – was in fact very difficult in practice.
The effort to understand and possibly control business cycles after the devastation of the Great Depression was itself a powerful driving force for the development of financial accounts. Financial variables such as bank loans and deposits, bonds and shares, arranged within a consistent framework, were seen as necessary to get a full picture of the cyclical factors in the economy.
The availability of information on financial flows may also have been regarded in those days as instrumental to economic planning; in some Western countries this was considered a very important and effective tool of economic policy in the post-war period. With illusions of top-down planning long forgotten in many market economies, this point is easily overlooked nowadays, but it was surely another significant factor in those times.
There was a golden age of financial accounts between the 1960s and the early 1970s. James Tobin, among others, used them to look at the way agents allocate wealth across financial and non-financial assets; in his Nobel Memorial Lecture in 1981, he discussed ‘Money and finance in the macro-economic process’ using flow-of-fund tables. ...
Interest in financial accounts declined in the 1980s, only to pick up again after the crisis. ...
Financial accounts continued to be used, though to a lesser extent, by economists such as Wynne Godley and Raymond Goldsmith. Then the Asian crisis of the late 1990s showed the importance of sectoral financial connections and the need to study the balance sheets of banks, firms, and households. Since the start of monetary union, the ECB’s monetary analytical framework has included financial accounts as a tool for cross-checking its ‘first pillar’ (economic analysis) against its ‘second pillar’ (monetary analysis).
However, it was the global financial crisis that generated renewed interest. A lesson of the crisis was that tracking sectoral imbalances was important; that an excessive level of debt may cause vulnerabilities; and that therefore the pursuit of financial stability required monitoring the level of corporate and household debt and the leverage of financial institutions. Finance was no longer a mere veil.
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