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MMD Outfit 129 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 129 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 42 6 MMD Outfit 128 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 128 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 46 1 MMD Outfit 127 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 127 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 249 8 MMD Outfit 126 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 126 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 80 3 MMD Tutorial How to remove un-needed groups by MMD3DCGParts MMD Tutorial How to remove un-needed groups :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 160 27 MMD Outfit 125 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 125 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 58 6 MMD Outfit 124 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 124 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 64 0 MMD Outfit 123 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 123 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 151 11 MMD Outfit 122 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 122 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 184 4 MMD Outfit 121 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 121 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 75 1 MMD Outfit 120 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 120 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 98 2 MMD Outfit 119 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 119 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 24 0 MMD Outfit 118 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 118 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 96 0 MMD Outfit 117 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 117 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 30 0 MMD Outfit 116 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 116 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 75 1 MMD Outfit 115 by MMD3DCGParts MMD Outfit 115 :iconmmd3dcgparts:MMD3DCGParts 78 0
Q&A about the parts and some things you may ask.

Q - Can I use this part/stage/whatever for a video/picture/model/ect?
A - Yes you are 100% allows but please credit TechArts3D / 3DCG, you can credit me as only the person that converted the part and crediting me isn't 100% needed.

Q - Do you take request / commissions / can I have this model?
A - Sorry but no.

Q - Am I allowed to edit?
A - Yes you are, just as long as you follow the rules.

Q - Am I allowed to use your parts for commissions or contest or a game or a anime?

A - I don't allow commissions using the parts I convert and edit. Due to the fact your making profit off of someones work. But for contest I will allow.

If the game is used to make any profit (this also includes getting money from patreon to work on said game/project with a part I converted) it's again no, but if it's a free with you not earning any money what so ever it's fine. This also goes for Anime.

Also guys, this does include for pictures. So if you use a stage/part I converted and do a commission picture (this also counts for patreon/anything like patreon only pictures/videos) it isn't allowed.

Also using the part as a placeholder is again no if your making any money from what you are doing that includes a part. Again patreon counts as making money.

Q - Are you really MMDMiko/MMDMiki, and if so can you put up this part?
A - Yeah, I needed to take a break from a bunch of shit so I disappeared for...a year(?) and now i'm back and lazy as ever. Sorry but I don't have any parts from back then, the only thing I took with me is my weapon packs which are already up for download.

Q - Can I have the mod or heavy save?
A - Again sorry but no. 1 I deleted the mods once i'm done converting and 2 I can't make heavy saves even if I wanted to. Since I don't have the game for my own reasons.

Q - PMD or PMX format?
A - I try my best to keep it PMD format, if it's PMX I will say it's PMX.

Q - What is 3DCG?
A - 3DCG is short for 3D custom girl, it's a 3D dress up game that involves 18+ material.
They also made the programs to convert 3DCG to MMD.

Q - Do any of these parts you put up work in 3DCG?
A - No, all I do is convert 3DCG mods to MMD.

Q - Wait if you don't have the game then why can you rip from it?
A - You see the people that made 3DCG made the program to convert to MMD.

Q - You stole this from "Insert person here"
A - No I didn't steal the part from anyone. I just so happen to find the mod, which is free to get and easy to convert into .pmd format. So before you go off running around saying this is by "Person here" remind your self that anyone can convert from 3DCG and alot of mods are very easy to get.

Q - Can you send me a link to download 3DCG?
A - Ah, No. I don't want to get myself or the person I gave the game to in trouble for giving a person a 18+ game, and the chance of giving a person a virus from downloading the game.. True story I got a virus from the game, nor do I have the game my self so I can't tell you how to install mods or make heavy saves.

Q - Can you tell me what I did wrong to my model and can you fix it for me?
A - Look for a tutorial here… it's were you can find most of your answers, and sorry but no I won't fix your model. It's better to learn from your mistakes and fixing them your self. Then just throwing your problems at someone else, no matter how many times you fail you will succeed one of these days, and become a better editor ever time.


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toshizi Featured By Owner 3 minutes ago  New Deviant
Model I made
Please do not distribute it anymore
will take a picture of screenshot as this writing may also be erased
Oaktreed Featured By Owner Jul 23, 2017  Hobbyist General Artist
Hello! Thanks for making all these neat bases. I need them! Anyway, are these bases made from scratch by you?
(1 Reply)
PrincessSkyler Featured By Owner Feb 27, 2017  Hobbyist General Artist
Sorry for the fav spam, I just really like your stages X'P
NinaHopkins5 Featured By Owner Oct 8, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Hi! I love your stages ;) .:*Emoticon*:. Happy Rin 
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