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Show new changes starting from 15:12, 5 December 2017

5 December 2017

  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD tree‎; 15:11 . . (+35). .User000name (Talk | contribs)( - "free falling song shes a good girl - Google Search")
  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD view‎; 15:10 . . (+35). .User000name (Talk | contribs)(
  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD voxelize‎; 15:10 . . (+39). .User000name (Talk | contribs)( - glitchy:
  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD vrot‎; 15:07 . . (+35). .User000name (Talk | contribs)( - "Dinner Plate Dahlia 'Loretta' Plant Care & Growing Information | Folia")
  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD wmater‎; 15:07 . . (+37). .User000name (Talk | contribs)(age&q=Morata%20plant&f=false - "Indian Medicinal Plants: A Compendium of 500 Species - Google Books")
  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD sync‎; 15:07 . . (+35). .User000name (Talk | contribs)(
  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD sv‎; 15:06 . . (+33). .User000name (Talk | contribs)(.psy-ab..0.2.193...33i160k1.0.7y0fiNviB9E&safe=active&ssui=on - "Morata plant - Google Search")
  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD summary‎; 15:06 . . (+38). .User000name (Talk | contribs)(
  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD status‎; 15:05 . . (+37). .User000name (Talk | contribs)( - "Maranta (plant) - Wikipedia")
  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD sph-part‎; 15:05 . . (+39). .User000name (Talk | contribs)( - "loretta plant - Google Search")
  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD size‎; 15:05 . . (+35). .User000name (Talk | contribs)(arch")
  • (diff | hist) . . MGED CMD rt‎; 15:04 . . (+33). .User000name (Talk | contribs)( - "plant technician - Google Se)
  • (diff | hist) . . Annot‎; 14:51 . . (-5). .User000name (Talk | contribs)( - glitchy:
  • (diff | hist) . . Synchronize Wiki with Docbook‎; 14:23 . . (0). .User000name (Talk | contribs)( - "How to Use a Raw Egg to Determine if Your Mattress is Awful - #PURPLE - YouTube")
  • (diff | hist) . . STEP‎; 14:17 . . (+1). .User000name (Talk | contribs)( - "moronization - Wiktionary")
  • (diff | hist) . . Bending light‎; 14:15 . . (-4). .User000name (Talk | contribs)( - explains different types of societies, control-f "type 1", "type 2", and "type 3")