It involves steadfastly ignoring a lot of women. Sometimes they get angry about it, and if they're involved with your job, that can be trouble. But mostly it's a cakewalk.
Some of my friends get annoyed by all the attention when it's unwanted. I still wonder what it's like to garner that much positive attention wherever you go without even trying. (I'm a no trying kind of person myself, but the results are different )
I dunno. Being constantly leered at and talked to when you're trying to go about your day has never felt like positive attention to me.
I guess it gets old. But in all honesty, as long as they're on the dating market and sometimes long after, a good number of my friends seem to find advantage in it and both parties are satisfied...
(harassment is a different story)
I guess that's just it. If it's unwanted, it gets pretty annoying.
Well in the first 6 months, it must be glorious.
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Where was this? If it was in a small town it could just be curiosity because they don’t see gaijin that often.
Um, no. This is Tokyo, even if it had been the deep countryside as a black person I'd have gotten more attention, no one looked at his white wife, and even I could tell that was lust and not curiosity.
I see. Well, as someone who has rarely if ever been regarded lustfully, this is a situation upon which I am poorly equipped to comment
White guys / Japanese women is a combination known to be super, uh, sparkful? I mean, it's been a known trope for the last 30 years. If you're a white guy I recommend that you just sit in a bar and wait for the sparks to happen...
Well, I am a white guys and about 25 years ago I sat in bars in Japan. No sparks :)
Although that wasn’t Tokyo I must admit.
Well I'm not my white friends so I can't know for sure but I think it kinda have to be in a place where people wouldn't fear talking to foreigners, like Tokyo or the south. If you sit in Tohoku hell will freeze over before your spark...
And Tohoku it was!
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So true, so true. So which café was this? If you don't remember the name of it exactly maybe you could sorta describe it, or maybe describe how to get there from the nearest train station?
Asking for a friend.
Come on, from my experience walking around with my hungover, unshowered, pissed off white friend, you just need to exist to pick up girls. Now *this* is the reason why you should
doesnt look like a burger tho?
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7 years ago I went to "international bar" in Nagoya. "American, europeans&australians free" (showing passport). "Hey! how about mexicans?" - "2000¥ and you get a free drink, sorry buddy", and the bar was ran by latinamericans!!!...
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