CS 007: Course Material

Session 1: Introduction

Blog Post: Kickoff

This seminar focuses on an introduction to personal finance and the purpose of this course.

Session 2: Predictably Irrational

This seminar focuses on behavioral finance.

Session 3: Getting Paid

This seminar focuses on compensation & job offers.

Session 4: Spend Less Than You Make

This seminar focuses on income, expenses, saving & budgeting.

Session 5: Know Your Worth

This seminar focuses on liquidity, emergency funds, assets & liabilities, and net worth.

Session 6: All About Debt

This seminar focuses on compounding, debt, credit scores, amortization & payoff strategies.

Session 7:  Good Investing is Boring

This seminar focuses on compounding, types of investment, diversification, how to invest, and the four keys to good investing (keep saving, low fees, stay diversified, minimize taxes).

Session 8: Financial Planning & Goals

This seminar focuses on putting together all of the components covered in previous weeks to understand financial planning, financial goals, complexities when dealing with couples & life insurance.

Session 9: Real Estate

There will be no class the week of November 21st. The next seminar will be on Tuesday, November 28th at 4:30pm in Building 200, Room 034.
